An exclusive contract with the supermodel Chrissy Teigen to sell kitchen utensils


Target is following its scenario and is launching prestigious announcements to recruit thousands of employees who visit the twin cities this week in stores and distribution centers across the country.

In the wake of a motivational speech by the excellent Serena Williams and her husband, Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit, the distributor announced Thursday that it would sell an exclusive new range of cookware from the model Chrissy Teigen.

Mark Tritton, Director of Marketing at Teigen and Target, announced the scene at Target Center to approximately 30,000 employees attending the company's fall meeting.

The 40-piece collection – which Target will begin selling on September 30 – includes cast iron Dutch ovens, serving dishes, cutlery, glasses and pitchers. The price of the items varies between 4 and 120 dollars for a complete cookware.

Target will also be offering an exclusive edition of Teigen's second cookbook, "Cravings: Hungry for More".

In addition, the company has announced plans to hire approximately 120,000 seasonal workers for the upcoming holiday season – 20 percent more than last year.

The Minneapolis-based retailer is betting on a continued increase in online sales and will disburse its seasonal hires accordingly. Target plans to double the number of dedicated in-store and curbside workers, and to expand distribution store staff by about two-thirds over last year.

With a low unemployment rate across the country, retailers compete for workers who want to sign up for a few months to help shoppers find in-store items and manage online orders as consumer preferences evolve .

Target said it would provide overtime for existing workers and pay temporary hires of $ 12 an hour, as well as discounts on stores, up from $ 11 a year ago.

He will also spend $ 2 million in rewards for those who work during the holidays.

Macy's Inc. announced earlier this week that it would hire approximately 80,000 vacation workers for its Macy's and Bloomingdale stores. Kohl & s and J.C. Penney began recruiting people for temporary jobs in early summer.

Target achieved at least a third of its annual sales in the fourth quarter and saw its online sales soar. In the third quarter, sales increased 41% over the previous year.

The retailer has always attracted entertainment, business and pop personalities to its September employee meetings.

Teigen, whose down-to-earth style has made it popular with millions of fans on social networks, has already had links with Target, but it's his first product launch.

Two years ago, Teigen and her husband, singer-songwriter-actor John Legend, were part of the retailer's "Toy Cracker" promotion, a take on The Nutcracker.

According to a Target blog article and an interview, Teigen's first modeling tasks appeared in a weekly Target ad.

She was, of course, wearing a swimsuit.

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