An explosive device was found near George Soros' home in Westchester County


An explosive device was discovered Monday in a mailbox located in Westchester County, in the city of George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist who is a prime target of far-right groups, authorities said.

A law enforcement official confirmed that the machine had been found near Mr. Soros's home. It did not explode alone and the bomb squadron technicians "blew it up proactively," the official said.

Federal and state law enforcement officials responded to the scene in Katonah, New York, a hamlet in the upscale city of Bedford, North Westchester, after the Bedford Police Department received a call for a suspicious package around 3:45 pm

"An employee at the residence opened the package, revealing what appeared to be an explosive device," police said in a statement. "The employee placed the parcel in a wooded area and called the Bedford police."

Mr. Soros was not at home at the time.

The police stated that they had turned over the file to F.B.I, who did not immediately respond to requests for comment. In a tweet late Monday night, the office in New York City said it was conducting an investigation "in and around a residence in Bedford" and that there was no threat to public safety.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives did not respond to a request for comment.

Mr. Soros, born in Hungary, made his fortune managing a hedge fund and is now a philanthropist and a full-time political activist. He often donates to Democratic candidates and progressive causes and gave at least $ 18 billion to Open Society Foundations to promote democracy and human rights around the world.

His activism has made him a villain for conservative groups and the target of anti-Semitic defamation. Roseanne Barr has treated Nazi as part of a famous tweet storm and, this month, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida, falsely speculated that Mr. Soros had funded a caravan of migrants moving from north to Mexico. There is no evidence that Mr. Soros paid thousands of migrants to storm the border. There is no evidence that Democrats support this effort, as Trump said.

Mr. Soros became a major political donor in the United States under the presidency of George W. Bush. He spent millions of dollars supporting John Kerry's unsuccessful bid to deny Bush a second term, was one of the first proponents of Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, and donated more than $ 25 million. to Hillary Clinton and other Democratic candidates in the 2016 ballot

Although Mr. Soros' name became a trigger for large subsets of Republicans and conservatives, he said his main goal as a political activist was to see a return to bipartisanship.

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