An FBI agent killed by a wheelchair trapped in a fortified house in Oregon


PORTLAND, Oregon. – A former landlord in southeastern Oregon was charged with assaulting a federal officer. According to the authorities, an FBI agent sent there was reportedly killed by a wheelchair trapped.

Law enforcement officers responded to the house in the small town of Williams on Sept. 7 at the request of a real estate lawyer charged with the sale of the property, reported Monday the Oregon / OregonLive .

A criminal complaint filed in the US District Court in Medford revealed that police found traps throughout the property, ranging from spiked tapes to a circular whirlpool bath turned around and rigged to overthrow anyone who had triggered a tripwire.

"It looked a lot like a scene from the movie" Indiana Jones: The Lost Ark Adventurers "in which actor Harrison Ford is forced to overtake a huge stone rock that he inadvertently unleashed with a trap switch, "said the complaint.

After crossing the spa, according to the complaint, an anti-bomb team and an FBI agent approached the fabricated house of the property and opened the fortified gate.

According to court documents, a wheelchair equipped with a fishing line, ammunition for shotguns and other objects was pushed and set off the explosion that injured the l 'ligne Selon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, agent. An x-ray revealed a 410-caliber shotgun bullet in the officer's leg, according to documents.

The authorities said that the makeshift weapons were created by 66-year-old Gregory Rodvelt, who was forced to confiscate his property in the context of a mistreatment case involving his mother.

Rodvelt is currently in the Maricopa County Jail, Arizona, where he is currently facing a lawsuit for assault in a separate case related to an alleged armed clash. . He refused a court-appointed defense lawyer, the Mail Tribune reported.

Rodvelt had been in the Arizona jail since April 2017, but the courts released him in mid-August for two weeks so he could prepare to hand over the property.

In the weeks following the injury of the agent, a team of private contractors made up of former military experts inspected the property, said the real estate attorney.

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