An FDA official takes stock of the outbreak of E. Coli in several states


Image: Justin Sullivan (Getty)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned earlier this week not to eat any romaine lettuce as a result of a new E. coli epidemic that has sickened more than two dozen people in eleven states.

Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, tweeted On Thursday, the FDA was working closely with other government agencies to determine the source of the problem. E. coli Mr Gottlieb also explained that part of the reason for such a warning against the consumption of any Roman-based product was partly due to a labeling difficult to distinguish as well as the holidays of Thanksgiving.

"Some lettuce packs are labeled in a manner that does not clearly indicate where the product was grown. If you look at a package of lettuce, it is very likely that the address of the company is indicated on the back; not the location of growing fields, "Gottlieb m said. "This is largely why we have issued such a broad warning. Our ultimate goal is consumer protection. And as we entered a very food-centric holiday weekend, we felt the need to make this statement. "

The flow E. coli The epidemic has made 32 people sick since the beginning of October, with 13 hospitalizations and one person developing a type of kidney failure. The CDC informed against eating "all romaine lettuce, including whole heads and hearts, chopped, organic and salad mixes with the Roman until we learn more," adding that it must absolutely be thrown in case of doubt.

The CDC said that the strain of the current outbreak, E. coli O157: H7, has "the same DNA fingerprint as the E. coli an isolated strain of sick people during an epidemic in 2017 ". This outbreak occurred about the same time last year, and Gottlieb told CNN that she was associated with the end of the California harvest season.

On Thursday, the CDC always advised people not to eat romaine lettuce. Gottlieb said the FDA hoped to have an update on the outbreak by Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday.


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