BOISE – An Idaho fisheries and fisheries commissioner resigned after being caught for pictures of a recent African – style hunting trip obtained by the media.

Blake Fischer submitted a resignation letter to Governor Butch Otter on Monday and it was accepted.

In his letter, Fischer admitted that he showed a lack of discernment by sharing photos of a hunt for which he had not shown sportiness and respect for animals.

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Fischer sent the photos by e-mail en masse to more than 100 contacts. The photos showed Fischer and his wife Beth posing with many animals they had killed on a trip to Namibia. According to the message, this was his wife's first trip to Africa. She wanted to watch it and "get an idea of ​​Africa".

"Then I shot a whole family of baboons, I think she had a quick idea." the e-mail read. "After leaving all the African animals still alive, we are rather happy to take the plane back home!"

Fred Trevey, a former fisheries and game commissioner, sent Fischer an email last week expressing his disappointment.

Trevey wrote that he was dismayed and disappointed with Fischer's photo and accompanying text smiling with a family of baboons that he had slaughtered. He further added that the images and words contained in Fischer's e-mail unnecessarily jeopardized the credibility of the Fish and Wildlife Commission in general.

He cited an education manual for hunters of fish and game that advises hunters to respect the views of non-hunters and refrain from taking pictures of their killing and describe the dead within earshot of non-hunters.

Trevey closes by suggesting that Fischer take his responsibilities and resign.

Fish and Game Commissioner Idaho Blake Fischer poses with a giraffe in Namibia. (Photo: obtained from Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter's office)

Six former commissioners for fishing and hunting said they agreed with Trevey's approach on the issue.

In his letter of resignation, Fischer stated that his actions were out of place for him and that he assumed full responsibility for his actions. He added that he felt it was in the interest of the sportsmen and citizens of Idaho that he resigned from his post.

He apologized to the hunters and fishermen that he was appointed to represent.

Here is the full text of Fischer's letter of resignation:

Dear Governor Otter,

Please consider this letter as a statement of my resignation from the Idaho Fish & Game Commission. Recently, I made bad judgments that led to the release of photos of a hunt in which I did not demonstrate a sporting spirit and respect for the animals I harvested. Although these actions have been out of the ordinary for me, I fully accept the responsibilities and feel that it is better for the citizens of Idaho and the athletes to step down. I have apologized to the hunters and fishermen of Idaho that I have been appointed to represent and hope that my actions will not undermine the integrity and the Ethics of the Fish & Game Department of Idaho.

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Contributor: Nea # Yancey-Bragg, USA TODAY & # 39; HUI

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