An Idaho wildlife officer resigns after killing a family of baboons


BOISE, Idaho (AP) – A senior wildlife officer from Idaho has resigned after indignation following a photo of him posing with a family of baboons that he killed when he died. A hunting trip in Africa The photo was considered unsportsmanlike by hunting enthusiasts.

Idaho Gov. CL "Butch" Otter said in a statement that he had requested and accepted the resignation of Blake Fischer on Monday, three days after the newspaper Idaho Statesman had published the first report on a smiling Fischer photo with four dead baboons backed up behind him.

The photo and others of Fischer and his wife slaughtering at least 14 animals in Namibia were accompanied by descriptions in an email sent by Fischer to more than 100 recipients. Fischer said that he had not done anything illegal, ethical or immoral.

He did not apologize for killing the baboons but said in his resignation to Otter that he had recently "made bad judgments that led to the publication of photos of a hunt in which I did not demonstrates sportiness and respect for the animals harvested. "

The family photo of the baboon showed visible blood on the abdomen of the smaller baboon, his head resting back to rest on the torso of one of the dead adult baboons. Fischer killed them with the help of a bow and arrows visible in the bottom of the picture.

He was convicted by longtime hunters from Idaho, including Otter, 76, who said Tuesday that he "had hunted and fished all my life".

"I would never have done it and I would not encourage anyone to do it," Otter told The Associated Press.

Fischer's photo with dead baboons undermines Idaho's reputation as a paradise for hunting and fishing, Otter said.

"I think it's tarnished," he says. "Fortunately, he has resigned, we would like to have this behind us because it is not us."

Fischer was one of seven members of the Idaho Fisheries and Fishing Commission. Otter appoints commissioners and, under Idaho law, can also dismiss them. Otter initially appointed Fischer in 2014 and reappointed him in June for a second four-year term.

"I have high expectations and standards for every person named in the state government," Otter said. "All members of my administration are expected to exercise good judgment and Commissioner Fischer has not done the same."

During their trip to Africa, Fischer and his wife also killed a giraffe, a leopard, an impala, a black antelope, a waterbuck, a kudu, a warthog, a gemsbok (oryx) and an eland.

Fischer has a business in southwestern Idaho that sells irrigation products used by ranchers and farmers. He did not return a phone message asking for comments, which was left to his company on Tuesday.

Most of the photos with the animals were set, like typical big game hunting photos from Idaho and other western states, showing hunters with dead deer, elk and lions mountains.

After the publication of the baboon photo, at least two former members of the Idaho Fisheries and Fishing Commission demanded Fischer's resignation.

"Sportsmanship is the cornerstone of maintaining hunting as a socially acceptable activity," said former member Fred Trevey in an e-mail.

The commission on which Fischer has been sitting makes policy decisions regarding the wildlife of Idaho and often manages game populations through hunting and fishing regulations.

These regulations are intended to promote the ethical hunting of wildlife. Some of Idaho's policies, such as wolf and grizzly bear hunting, have been challenged in federal courts.

Otter stated that he had received several nominations for the seat of the commission but that there was no time to appoint a new commissioner.

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