An immigrant says that ICE agents expelled him from the United States, did not let him call his wife


An Albanian immigrant who had been working as a waiter at a Long Island restaurant for 24 years – and who has always filed his taxes – said the immigration officers had chained him two months ago, l & # 39; They had thrown him in jail for two days and sent him back to his plane. country.

Sokol Vokshi, 47, said he was not even allowed to call his wife or two children home in Elmont during the ordeal.

"I did not know what hit me," Vokshi said in Durres, Albania on Monday.

His immigration lawyer, Altin Nanaj, stated that the eviction was very unusual because Vokshi had received a social security number, had an annual work permit, paid his taxes each year and had no records judicial.

"It's a model family man who has worked day and night," Nanaj said.

"ICE is after everyone."

Jimmy Trahanas, the owner of the Golden Reef Diner at Rockville Center, said that he did not know what to do with it when Vokshi – known as "Sal" – did not suddenly show up at work.

"The customers were unhappy," he said. "Everyone was asking for it."

A poster hanging in the window shows two photos of "Sal" and publishes a GoFundMe campaign created by customers to help pay for legal fees and other expenses.

To date, more than $ 11,600 from 168 people have been raised for the "Get Sal Back to the USA" fund launched by client Warren Prosky on April 22nd.

"Sal came to the United States 24 years ago and worked at the Golden Reef restaurant for 24 years. He married a woman from Albania, and they have two children aged 12 and 14, "reads in the logbook.

"Sal owns his home in Elmont, New York and has been trying to become an American for years."

Vokshi said that he was a young asylum seeker when he did it in New York in 1993.

He registered with the federal government and received a social security number. When immigration judges rejected his application for residency in the United States in 1997 and asked him to leave, he stated that a series of lawyers that he had hired him had said to stay put and appeal.

"They said to me, 'Stay, during your call. Keep working, keep going, "he recalls.

"One thing led to the other, I stayed, I worked, I got married, I had kids."

Vokshi said that ICE had sent him a letter asking him to attend a meeting with him at 26 Federal Plaza on April 3.

He said that he thought it would be another routine meeting to discuss his appeal.

But once at the office, Vokshi said the agents had thrown away his lawyer and slapped him.

Three days later he was on a plane to Albania, where his sister still lives.

"I do not recognize this place," he said.

Mr. Vokshi stated that he was still paying $ 12,000 in annual property taxes on his Long Island home and that he was trying to find work in Albania.

"I go to restaurants and bars, but they do not hire me," he said.

"They think I'm old."

He said that while he can not get a visa to return to the United States, his wife and daughter born in America will join him in Albania.

"We can not be separated like that," he said.

"Our American dream is turning into a nightmare."

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