An incredible theory explains the events of "Infinity War" and prepares us for "Avengers 4" – BGR


Because Avengers: Infinity War We ended up speculating on what that means. Over the days and months, we have learned that the horrific deaths of War of infinity are not as final as authors and filmmakers would have us believe. Many of the dead Avengers will come back in the following movie, especially those that will appear in the following movies Avengers 4 in the chronology of Marvel. The list includes Spider-Man: far from home and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

We have also learned that time travel will play an important role in future events. The Avengers are at the end of the game right now, the only future that will end up as a kind of happy ending. Attention, we already expect that this happy ending is punctuated with tragic consequences for some of the heroes. This is because everything is possible in the cinematic world of Marvel, but at a high personal cost, as Marvel has already said. This brings me to one of the best theories of fans I've ever read, as it explains some of the things we've witnessed War of infinity and sets the stage for the future.

The more I thought and wrote about the events of War of infinity and things to come Avengers 4, the most clear to me, is that Doctor Strange is indispensable to the team. I previously said that the best reason he thought that he had not died in the blink of an eye was that he could see more than 14 million contracts at term, of which only one offered the true victory to the Avengers. Strange is assured that Ant-Man would be in the quantum realm when the cliché occurred, that Iron Man would not be killed fighting Thanos, and that Star-Lord would disrupt the efforts of the Team to steal the mighty Thanos Infinity Gauntlet during the Battle of Titan.

Source of the image: YouTube

In addition, let's not forget that the Spider-Man star and Marvel's leaker, Tom Holland, inadvertently told the world that Doctrine Strange's new book was present in the new The Avengers movie, something we have not seen in War of infinity. The implication was that Strange could talk about everything Kingdom is talking about in Avengers 4. That means he is either alive or has visited Scott Lang to tell him how these time swirls work when they explore alternative futures.

With this in mind, here is the theory that the user of Reddit WilliamHolz Posted: "How Thanos and Star-Lord have unintentionally saved the universe of Avengers." Wait, it's crazy, right? Did they really do that? Well, a better title for the theory comes from the post: "Destroying the stone of mind could be worse than losing half of the universe."

The essential of this theory is that Infinite Stones can not be destroyed no matter what. And the Avengers wanted to defeat Thanos by protecting / destroying the stones in the spirit and time that they possessed. In fact, they accomplished as much when Vision's Mind Stone was destroyed. Thanos then went back in time to prevent its destruction, thus completing his collection.

But it's only because Dr. Strange allowed the events to unfold in this particular way so that Thanos could get his hands on the stone of time before embarking on the reflection:

Whenever the heroes succeed in defeating Thanos, the universe is stabbed in the brain and begins to break.

Whenever the heroes force Thanos to try to take the stone of mind without the stone of the time, the universe gets stabbed in the brain and begins to discard

In a timeline, the heroes do not defeat Thanos on Titan, because Star-Lord loses him and he finds himself before Vision with the stone of time while the stone of the spirit is destroyed. In this future future, he can use the second power of Time Stone (rewind time for an object) to restore Mind Stone.

With the Mind Stone saved, the universe continues to advance. Half is broken, but at least has a future.

Strange may have witnessed some 14 million Avenger victories in which they were able to destroy MInd Stone before Thanos had it. And that may have triggered a chain of events far worse than losing half the population of the known universe.

Image Source: Marvel Studios

The theory perfectly explains why Strange, who has just witnessed all these alternative futures, did not stop Star-Lord from waking up Thanos. Think about it; All the Avengers had to do was pull out this Infinity Gauntlet to beat Thanos. But Strange played well, quite aware that it was the only way to win the Avengers. That also explains why Strange was willing to give Thanos the Time Stone, even though he promised to protect him at the beginning of the movie, regardless of the cost.

Whatever happens next, the Avengers can not destroy any of the stones if the premise is that the destruction of any stone would essentially kill the universe. So in Avengers 4they may want to gather them all at different times before Thanos gets them. A leak recently said that Avengers 4 is a time travel movie. And you know what else is there? Not having to destroy Mind Stone means that Vision will not have to die. Again, we already expect Shuri, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to find a way to remove the stone from Vision's head without killing it. Avengers 4.

Source of the image: DISNEY / Moviestore / REX / Shutterstock

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