An Indonesian passenger was stranded because of a durian cargo


(CNN) – A cargo of durian temporarily immobilized an Indonesian aircraft after passengers complained of the stench that was erasing the fruit chamber in the cabin.

The Sriwijaya Air flight to Jakarta from Bengkulu province in Sumatra carried more than two tons of durian.

The passengers refused to board the plane and complained to the staff about the strong smell of the fruit. They also expressed concern about his extra weight in the plane, reported AFP.

The flavor of its thorny fruit and creamy texture have made it popular throughout Southeast Asia, but its strong smell has earned it many detractors. Singapore has banned fruits in its subway and many hotels are banned because of their notorious odor – which some critics have compared to rotten food or dirty socks.

The airline said the fruits would not endanger the flight and that the smell would dissipate once the plane in the air.

"The Durian is not classified as a dangerous material to be transported in an airplane," AFP spokesman Abdul Rahim told Sri Kwas TV on Tuesday.

He added that they had placed powdered coffee and pandan leaves – fragrant leaves, widely used to flavor desserts in Southeast Asia – in the "plane" to absorb the & Il 39 39 qu qu qu 39. smell of durian ".

The stalemate ended when the embarked passengers began to descend from the flight. The airline finally unloaded the fruits and the flight took off an hour later.

Airport staff told AFP that it would review the durian's transportation procedures in order to avoid future incidents.

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