An Iowa newspaper breaks the tradition in favor of Steve King's Democratic Defender


The editorial board of a major Iowan newspaper has approved the Democratic challenger of Steve King's representative for the Congress, thus canceling his longstanding support for one of the GOP's mostly openly racist legislators.

The editorial board of the Sioux City Journal announced Friday its support for J.D. Scholten at the expense of outgoing President King, whom they criticized for his "inflammatory or questionable comments" and his connection with "intolerant ugliness".

"In King's previous approvals, a representative of eight terms, we exposed what we respect and admire about our congressman," wrote the editorial board. "In Scholten, however, King faces an adversary with many strengths."

In addition to Scholten's forces, including his "willingness to take into account all the complex issues," the newspaper's editorial board condemned King's partisanship and his refusal to stand out from the White Nationalist views.

"Whenever King immerses himself in the controversy, he brandishes this district to ridicule and marginalize himself within the legislature that he serves, which does not bring any benefit to the Iowans who live and work here." they wrote.

King constantly retweet other white supremacists on Twitter, espouses Islamophobic views and has advocated against the "mixture of cultures". Earlier this month, he approved Toronto mayoral candidate Faith Goldy, a white nationalist who said she believed homosexuality had facilitated the holocaust.

"As we said earlier, we would prefer that King spend less time trying to" save "Western civilization and make a national name as a conservative leader trying to move the country to the political right ", wrote the editorial board.

Scholten, a former professional baseball player, has adopted a progressive platform including the increase in the federal minimum wage, immigration reform and the transition to universal health care. The political newcomer is waging a tough battle trying to overthrow King in the 4th congressional district of Iowa, mainly Republican in the process of voter registration.

"The king is the favorite of polls," wrote the editorial board of the Review. "If he wins reelection, we hope he considers the words we have written today."

"If the oppressed Scholten is angry, we hope that he will remember that this remains largely a conservative Republican district and we urge him to take moderate positions on the problems of the day." "said the newspaper. "Bottom line: we are ready and willing to give him the opportunity to show us all in the 4th what he can do."

A representative from King did not immediately return HuffPost's request for comment.

Visit the Sioux City Journal website to read the full approval of the Scholten Editorial Board.

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