An Israeli stabbed to death by a Palestinian in the West Bank


  Israeli troops

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Israeli troops were deployed at the scene of the attack. 39; assault

An Israeli civilian was stabbed to death in a settlement near Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank.

The 31-year-old victim was rushed to hospital where he died from his injuries, said a spokesman for the hospital. Two other Israelis were injured during the attack Thursday at Adam. One, aged 50, is in critical condition and the other has suffered minor injuries.

The Israeli army says that the attacker was shot dead, apparently by a civilian who was passing by.

The village of Kubar, where the 17-year-old Palestinian striker reportedly lived, was reported.

"The terrorist infiltrated the community of Adam, north of Jerusalem, and stabbed three civilians," said the army. "Troops arrive at the scene and search the area."

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The Palestinian Hamas group stated that the attack was an act of heroism and revenge for three fighters.

There has been a wave of stabbing, shooting and flashing of Israelis, mostly by Palestinians or Israeli Arabs since the end of 2015.

Dozens of Israelis were killed in almost three years wolf attacks.

Some 300 Palestinians – most of them are assailants, says Israel – were also killed at this time, according to news agencies. Others were killed in clashes with Israeli troops.

Israel says that Palestinian incitement fueled the attacks. The Palestinian leadership has shown frustrations rooted in decades of Israeli occupation.

More than 600,000 Jews live in about 140 settlements built since Israel's occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem in 1967. Settlements are considered illegal under international law, although it is illegal. Israel is challenging it.

There are also a hundred outposts – small settlements built without government permission.

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