An Ohio boy, 2 years old, with inoperable brain cancer, starts early Christmas & nbsp



A two-year-old boy from Ohio with inoperable brain cancer will probably not live to see Christmas. But his family decided to bring him the holidays, decorating their home with lights, sugar cane and polar bears, WCPO reported.

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Oncologists in Cincinnati told Brody Allen's parents in August that the toddler had less than two months to live. What the boy's doctor thought was the cause of an ear infection in May was diagnosed as something worse because experts discovered that Brody was born with brain cancer aggressive that has turned into four incurable tumors.

"In his mind, it's all about Christmas," said McKenzie Allen, 21, Brody's sister, at The New York Times. "He woke up one day and the Christmas tree was out. He does not know it's not really Christmas. He's just enjoying it. "

"We do a lot of Christmas," said Brody's father, Todd Allen, at WCPO. "For us, it's family time and those memories and traditions that you will never be able to recover."

Todd Allen said that his son's cancer – an embryonic tumor with multilayer rosettes – is so rare that only another 300 people have been diagnosed with this disease, the agency reported. The doctors treated the boy for 98 days, but a fifth tumor was detected. They finally told the family that they could do nothing for him, the TV channel reported.

Brody's parents decided to decorate their homes early, and the neighbors got to work, the Times reported. Outside his home, Brody can see a snowman, Santa Claus and inflatable figures of Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. There is a Christmas tree in the yard of her neighbor Barbara Elliott, one of six in the cul-de-sac of Cincinnati, in Allen's suburb, who was decorated for Brody, the newspaper reported.

"I offered Ms. Allen some push-ups for my grandson who was not trained at the potty and she said they were not going to train with Brody, because he had the cancer, "Elliott told The Times. "It broke our heart. So I told my husband, "We have stuff, we're going to decorate!"

The Allens discovered that many decorations were not for sale in September. Sp they created a Facebook page called Team Brody and asked for help from neighbors, reports the Times. The family also launched a GoFundMe page at the end of June and received more than $ 21,000 in donations.

Todd Allen, a truck driver, stayed at home with his son and family. He told WCPO he planned to take Brody's remaining time "day in, day out".

"You see them," Allen said on television. "He's happy, he's enjoying life, that's how we're going to spend our days."

"He has no idea of ​​his illness," Todd Allen wrote on Team Brody's Facebook page. "He's just plugging in. He just wants to have fun and enjoy every minute."

The city of Colerain plans to hold a Christmas parade for Brody on September 23, WCPO said.

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