An Ohio school resource officer on leave to use the taser to wake up a sleepy student


A school resource officer from Ohio was placed on administrative leave for using a stun gun on a dormant student, school officials said.

Maryssa Boskoski, 32, was a part-time resource officer at Liberty Preparatory School in Smithville, Ohio, WEWS reported. A student, who is a junior at the school, will not wake up on August 30 for his acting teacher, according to the news station.

Boskoski arrived in the class with Parnell and activated the Taser a few feet from the teenager, reported WEWS. The taser did not hit the student, but the taser sparks alarmed other teens in the class and woke the dormant student. The school announced that Boskoski had been put on administrative leave Wednesday.

"She took her Taser, took out the cartridge and arched the Taser," said Smithville Police Chief Howard Funk.

513073086-594x594 During the presentation of the new equipment of the French brigade against crime (BAC), in Paris, February 29, 2016, tasers are exposed. The officer deployed their taser to wake up a student after falling asleep during class, said school officials. ALAIN JOCARD / AFP / Getty Images

Parnell told the news station that she had been shocked that the policeman was using the Taser to scare the student. She claimed that the resource manager had not told anyone and did not warn that she was going to deploy her Taser, WEWS reported.

"I was a little surprised by that," said Parnell. "Our interest is in the safety of our students, so hearing that has been a bit alarming."

Parnell said The Columbus Expedition that the student had fallen asleep during the study hall and that the professor had first awoken him but that he had fallen asleep. She said that Boskoski was 4 or 5 feet from the student when she lit her taser and that Parnell thought it was a joke at first.

"It was just an attempt to wake him up. [Boskoski] just shot [the Taser] and pushed the button to make the noise, "Parnell told the publication. This was nothing malicious. "

Newsweek obtained the letter that the parents of the students of the Liberty Preparatory School received after the incident. The school said that she cooperated with the authorities and had priority in the safety of their students.

"At no time has any student been in danger," the statement said. "We want to assure all our students, parents / guardians and the community that we take the safety of our Liberty Prep family seriously and give it our highest priority."

A similar incident occurred in Cincinnati in August when a police officer used his taser on an 11-year-old girl accused of shoplifting at a Kroger supermarket in Ohio. Police told KPRC that officer Kevin Brown had confronted the 11-year-old girl and her two friends for stealing more than $ 50 in food and clothing. According to the KPRC, he deployed his Taser when the girl resisted his arrest.

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