An Oncology Nurse Selects New Lenox Hospital For Breast Cancer Treatment


Wilk is still "on the verge" of receiving these annual mammograms, she said. And at the end of January, Wilk felt a lump in his right breast.

She said to herself immediately: "It's probably a cancer." And she was right.
Wilk, 48, from Tinley Park, received all of his treatments at the New Lenox Silver Cross Hospital.

"I could not say enough wonderful things about it," said Wilk. "My care in each department I entered was wonderful, I was treated with kindness and compassion, as if I were their priority for the moment, I never felt rushed." I have never felt like my feelings or anything

I said was put aside. "

Wilk mentioned the bump at his annual physical appointment with Dr. Marie Veldman, affiliated with the Silver Cross Hospital.

"A comforting thing was that I could feel the clod in the shower, but when I was lying down, I could not feel the clod.In my head, I thought:" It could not to be nothing downstairs, it might not be cancer, I tried to deceive myself mentally. "

On the physical side, Wilk said Veldman had ordered a diagnostic mammogram instead of the screening mammogram, Wilk said. Wilk's discomfort re-appeared during the procedure, which she had done at Silver Cross. The mammogram took longer than expected, she said.

Wilk said that she even asked the person who performed the mammogram: "It's a cancer, is not it?" After the mammogram, Wilk undergoes an ultrasound. Shortly after, Wilk met the radiologist.

"He immediately showed me where the concern was," Wilk said. "And I told him:" I'm a nurse, just be honest with me, is it cancer? " and he said: "I think that's it." "
Wilk underwent a biopsy the next day at the Silver Cross.

"I wanted things to go fast," said Wilk. "I did not want to sit and think."

So Neda Zelehovitis, nurse navigator at the Silver Cross, made an appointment with Dr. Jennifer Tseng, surgeon, and Dr. Andrea Amico, oncologist, the following week. Wilk has also undergone genetic testing on the recommendation of Amico.

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