Andrew Lincoln says Season 9 of The Walking Dead smells like Season 1


The Walking Dead Season Nine brought nostalgic touches to Andrew Lincoln while he was preparing to leave his role as Rick Grimes.

at in San Diego's Comic Con, Lincoln opened on upcoming episodes that had just been viewed in a new, extended trailer. "Without a doubt," there are vibrations of the first season of the show, says Lincoln. "I think that there was a lot of the pilot episode reminiscent of this opening episode and also some other episodes, we have some surprises that we both know but we are not allowed to speak." [19659004CommelespectaclesedirigeversuneannéecharnièrenonseulementenvoyantLincolnmaisaussienaccueillantAngelaKangcommesonnouveaushowrunnerlesacteursetl'équipeontconnuunesensationrevitaliséesurleplateau"Nousavonsadoré"adéclaréLincoln"Nousdevonsparlerd'AngelaKangsinousparlonsdecettesaisonparcequ'elleestlaforcecréatricedecettesaisonelleaétésurlespectacledepuislasaison2etjepensequ'elleainsuffléunenouvellevieetnousadonnéunesensationdecollaborationsurleplateauUnevéritableénergiepositivec'estcommelespectacleauquelj'aitoujourscruquej'allaisquandj'aitournélepiloteàAtlantailyaneufans"

In fact, the & # 39 idea of ​​leaving the AMC series She did not really influence Lincoln emotionally until she saw the fans in Hall H. "What's strange here is that I think it really hit me yesterday because of the relationship the audience has with fans. " After all, Hall The Walking Dead began, promoting his first season in the packed house in 2010. "As soon as it's over, the panel, I came out of the stage, was deeper – my sadness – concluding on the show, "said Lincoln. "The show, I was so proud of where the story unfolded and where the season unfolded.It is a brilliant launching pad I think, the episode I leave , in the rest of this amazing season. All this was more than just "Oh, I'm glad I finished it." It was, "Oh, f —. "I'm leaving."

Lincoln, just like Robert Kirkman, is delighted to share Rick's expulsion, even though he would have preferred that she be kept secret. "I would like to be able to say more," said Lincoln. "I really did not want Kirkman to spread the beans because I really wanted everyone to experience this season because I think It's going to be amazing for a lot, a lot of reasons, it would have been even better if no one knew about it.

Is it going to die, though? Is it the only way out? "My relationship with this party is far from over, "Lincoln said. "I will not say anything more than that, but I will say:" Look at this season. "

Fear the Walking Dead returns for the back half of its fourth season on August 12 at 9 pm ET on AMC. The Walking Dead returns for its ninth season on October 7, 2018. For more updates and insider information throughout the year, follow @BrandonDavisBD on Twitter!

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