Angela Merkel, from Germany, partner of the Coalition on Immigration


* Chancellor Merkel's CDU and Bavarian allies reach agreement on migration – Seehofer

* Seehofer remains German Minister of the Interior

* According to the agreement, Germany Merkel will probably survive Bavarian allies

* Conservatives agree to establish closed facilities for asylum seekers at the borders

* Authorities to quickly review asylum applications in these areas centers; Refusing entry into Germany of failed asylum seekers

( Previously … )

BERLIN – German Chancellor

Angela Merkel

On Monday, she was desperately trying to prevent her Conservative bloc from breaking with immigration and preventing the collapse of its coalition government.

The Chancellor and the Minister of the Interior

Horst Seehofer,

which the Bavarian Christian Social Union operated in an alliance with its Christian Democrats for seven decades, began to meet late afternoon in Berlin after Mr Seehofer declared to the He was unaware that he was ready to resign. In an interview published shortly before the meeting, Mr Seehofer appeared to intensify tensions. "I will not be dismissed by a Chancellor who is only Chancellor because of me," he told the daily Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Lawmakers from both sibling parties also met in a separate effort to prevent the collapse of their post-war alliance. Seehofer and Merkel have disagreed for two weeks on the minister's insistence that the federal police turn to border migrants with an asylum application open in another member state of the European Union. . Angela Merkel, worried by the EU unity, opposes such a unilateral move without agreements between Germany and her neighbors.

Despite the tragedy of Mr. Seehofer's threat of resignation on Sunday, several political analysts said the most likely outcome was "

" The CDU and the CSU have no interest in a split, and there is more than 90% chance that the coalition will survive for the moment, "said the retired policy professor.

Eckhard Jesse.

"Nobody wants a development that seals the end of a mass party and a fragmentation of the political system."

He said that both parties should be aware that the far right extreme for Germany, which has taken on importance since a wave Migrants fleeing conflict and poverty that is were heading to Germany in the summer of 2015 were ready to take advantage of the collapse of conservatives.

AfD says that the pressure it exerts on more traditional political forces has put the current crisis under severe strain. "We are tracking them," said

Alice Weidel,

the leader of the parliamentary floor of the AfD, referring to the government.

If the CSU were to withdraw from its alliance, Merkel's party and its coalition coalition partners, the center-left Social Democrats, would not have enough votes to pass a law, his government in danger. 19659003] Prior to the meetings, several senior CSU officials took conciliatory notes, in tone, if not in substance, stating that their purpose was not to end the long-standing alliance or the to weaken Ms. Merkel but to resolve a concrete political dispute. "We are open to compromise", the Bavarian Prime Minister

Horst Söder

told people at an event in the southern province. "There is no way out of the government for us and we will not finish [the alliance] at this time."

Seehofer dismissed on Sunday the inadequacy of the EU's plan to limit migratory flows supported by Ms Merkel and her party. CSU officials did not indicate Monday that they were rethinking this position and continued to advocate for stricter border controls and refusal of entry to some asylum seekers. .

The Bavarian Minister for the Interior

Joachim Herrmann,

who was named as a potential successor to Mr Seehofer, said in a radio interview that his party wanted an agreement with the CDU, but gave no indication of what a compromise might look like [19659011].

Hans-Peter Friedrich

wrote on his


taking into account that the CDU and the CSU would not be divided: "The unity between conservatives outweighs the sensibilities and interests of individuals."

But even a last-minute agreement between the two brothers would leave Mrs Merkel The Social Democrats said Monday that there was no guarantee that they would support any compromise that could find the CSU and the CDU.

"The dangerous journey of the ego of the CSU paralyzes Germany and Europe" President of the SPD

Andrea Nahles

told reporters in Berlin. "I'm running out of patience."

Ms. Nahles said that she had asked that a plenary meeting of the three coalition partners be held Monday to discuss the future of the government. This meeting is scheduled for 22 hours. A Forsa poll released on Monday reveals that 77% of respondents said the immigration dispute was jeopardizing the stability of the government and that two-thirds said the UHC's behavior was not responsible

. The immigration policy and its treatment towards his brother party are only supported by a minority, "said the head of Forsa.

Manfred Güllner

said the broadcaster RTL / n-tv, who commissioned the investigation. "A majority of Germans support the Chancellor."

Write to Andrea Thomas at [email protected]

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