Angels in Los Angeles say doctors recommended surgery to Tommy John for pitcher / DH Shohei Ohtani


An MRI on the right elbow of the Los Angeles Angels pitcher and designated hitter Shohei Ohtani has revealed new damage to his ulnar collateral ligament, and Tommy John's operation has been recommended, the team said on Wednesday.

The Angels stated that additional information would be provided as appropriate.

"There are more questions now than answers, we will do it one step at a time," said Mike Scioscia. "There are a lot of consultations that Shohei will do with the doctors and see what the best course of action is, and we'll see where we are.

Ohtani was scheduled to hold a light bull session on Wednesday, but it failed after reporting that his elbow was painful. The medical staff then decided to receive the new MRI.

The 24-year-old rookie was the designated Angels hitter for their Wednesday Rangers final in Texas, and made his first appearance. Asked whether Ohtani would remain in the lineup as DH after this match, Scioscia said, "We'll see, this will be determined by our medical department."

Angels general manager Billy Eppler said Ohtani had not officially decided to have surgery done by Tommy John. Eppler and Ohtani plan to have a thorough conversation about his future on Monday after the Angels return from their trip.

"We are committed to each other in this process, and we will go through as a team," said Eppler. "But I feel disappointment for the people of this club, and especially for Shohei."

The latest development has been dreaded by millions of Angels and Ohtani fans since he was diagnosed with a sprain following a sprain on June 6th. After receiving an injection of platelet-rich plasma and an injection of stem cells, he returned to the mound with his departure Sunday in Houston.

Ohtani lasted only 2 1/3 innings in this start against the Astros, and he suffered a drastic crash during the match. He had been scheduled to throw a light bull session on Wednesday, but never after reporting that his elbow was painful.

"I'm sure that at some point he will resume his pitcher career," Scioscia said. "It depends on the course of action."

"We'd like to have a whole season, but I think it's more important to go back and see him play for a whole career than look back and say," What if? ", Added Scioscia.

Ohtani threw 49 shots, beating two and walking two, in Sunday's race. His fastball was regularly between 96 and 99 km / h in the first two innings, but he seemed tired of the third and his speed plummeted dramatically, his fastball only reaching 89 to 92 mph.

After the match, Scioscia said that the painful elbow that led to Ohtani's lack of pitching went well, but a stiff back and injured finger trying to fend off a ghost have caused the speed loss of Ohtani.

A day later, Scioscia reiterated that Ohtani's elbow "feels good".

Associated Press information was used in this report.

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