Angle vs McIntyre, Survivor Series Teams



Previously in Best and Worst of Raw: Crown Jewel's "Go-Home" show is … well, you're about to read an article about this episode.

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One last thing: Hit these share buttons! Spread the word on the column on Facebook, Twitter and whatever you use. Make sure you leave us a comment in our comments section below. I know we always ask this, and this part is copied and pasted every week, but we enjoy it every week. We're on the road to Survivor Series, once a year when Raw and Smackdown are facing each other! Except the Royal Rumble and the WrestleMania Battle Royals, and the Royal Battle of Evolution, and all that tournament they organized in Saudi Arabia on Sunday, and-

Nevermind, here is the best and worst of WWE Raw for November 5, 2018.

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