Angry GOP rhetoric is a dangerous attack on democratic norms


"You do not give matches to an arsonist, and you do not give power to a left angry mob," President Trump tweeted this month. "Democrats have become too EXTREME and TOO DANGEROUS to govern."

Republicans have been unable to gain ground on these issues. Neither their budget reduction nor their efforts to blow up Obamacare have been as popular as expected. They then seized a new despicable tactic three weeks after polling day: they claimed the Democrats were an angry horde, intent on destroying the people. It is more or less a quote from the president, the Senate majority leader and many other Republicans.

"Democrats are ready to do anything, to hurt someone, to get the power they desperately need," Trump said last week. "They want to destroy," he added.

Republicans evoke images of activists screaming against the legislator during the Brett M. Kavanaugh case confirmation proceeding, rude behavior that results in a deadly threat to the republic and a simple taste what the Democrats want to do. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Said last week: "Only one party was happy to host this marginal behavior." He continued, "They have not seen enough, they want more, and I'm afraid this is only the first phase of the merger."

The Conservative media nodded, citing the filming of the majority whip of the House, Steve Scalise (R-La.), In 2017, and warning that the Democratic regime's violation of the law is imminent.

It is one thing to oppose, as we have already done, the harassment of public servants when they manage with their families. In our opinion, both ethically and politically, the Democrats were wrong in promising to match Mr. Trump's rudeness. But neither the small number of people who heckled Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) In a restaurant, nor the recent misguided recommendation of former Attorney General Eric H. Holder to fight justifies the Republicans' decision to demonize and delegitimize a whole political party. Encouraging Republicans to vote for fear of opposition would be a frightening way to win elections.

Of course, it is more than rich for Republicans to criticize the Democrats for their tone. It's not even 10 years since they're happy to enjoy the fury of the tea party to President Barack Obama. In the 2016 election, Mr. Trump sometimes encouraged violence. He continues to lead his crowds chanting, "Lock it." Last week, Scott Wagner, the governor's candidate for the Pennsylvania GOP, told his opponent, "Governor Wolf, let me tell you that". between November 6th. " I'd better put a catcher mask on your face because I'm going to stomp your face with golf picks.

But the point here is not hypocrisy. Democracy can work if citizens can consider the opposition as patriots like them who disagree, perhaps even fervently, on the problems of the day. It can not work if citizens see themselves as enemies. Trump's desperate efforts to save an election by turning the opposition into an enemy – and his party's pathetic will to follow it – are another dangerous escalation in his assault on key democratic norms.

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