Angry mom after a policeman is filmed hitting his 14 year old daughter. The police say the video does not tell the whole story.


Two Coral Springs policemen are holding a 14-year-old girl face down, arms outstretched beneath her. One of the police puts her knee in the back and hits her twice in the ribs with a closed fist. A spectator shouts, "Why are you hitting her?

And that is all the blurry video clip of nine seconds of the arrest of the girl at the Coral Square mall Thursday afternoon – what offend the mother of the child, l? The lawyer she has engaged and the sensitivity of those who marvel at the cop that strikes a child.

"I'm angry, I would never expect that to happen," said the daughter's mother, Jessica Dennis, at WSVN-Ch.

But Coral Springs police turned to Twitter under the name of "Rumor Control" early Friday, saying the video captured only the end of a combative disruption.

"It's important that people have all the facts before they quickly judge an officer's actions in the face of calls for service involving violent suspects – regardless of race or gender," the tweet said.

The beginning of the incident happened like this, the Twitter post said:

The girl was with a group of unruly teenagers who were harassing buyers and causing a scene, said the mall's security to the police.

A mother had reported that one of the teens had pushed her 5-year-old girl down. And security said he saw the girl hit another teenager.

The police gave the teens a warning for trespassing and banned them from the mall. But even before the officers left the property, they were informed of the return of the troublemakers.

When the police arrested one of the boys in the group, the girl cursed and tried to defile the rest of her friends, police said.

When they tried to stop her, she resisted.

"Because of her stature and aggressive behavior, the police took her to the ground, trying to get her fist free," the police department's tweet said. "In order to make her obey, she was hit on the side to release her clenched fists – she was then handcuffed."

She continued to resist when she was mounted in a patrol car and "violently kicked" one of the police officers, the police said.

But for the child's mother, it did not seem that his daughter is resisting. "She was clearly not aggressive," Dennis said. "Everyone could see that she was lying there."

His lawyer, Meeghan Moldof, says it's clearly an excessive use of force.

"He kills her like a ball after the other," Moldof told WSVN-Ch.7. "The video speaks for itself, it's the truth there.

The girl was taken to a juvenile hall and detained for three counts.

[email protected], 954-356-4542 or Twitter @talanez

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