Anna Kendrick Once called Barack Obama to his face


What do you say when you meet former President Barack Obama? If you are Anna Kendrick, you use colorful language.

The 33-year-old actress revealed on Friday The late show with Stephen Colbert that she accidentally called Obama a "one" at an intimate campaign event with him in Los Angeles in 2012.

His failure came after Obama called Kendrick while discussing the economy and the recession, noting to the crowd of 30 In the air – his 2009 film with George Clooney – was one of his favorites and addressed both topics.

After his speech, Obama apologized to Kendrick one-on-one by saying, "I hope I did not embarrass you sooner?

She responded with her instinctive mind. "Yeah, you're so a -", she says The late show with total shock.

Anna Kendrick and Barack Obama

Anna Kendrick and Barack Obama

Randy Shropshire / Getty Images; YORGOS KARAHALIS / AFP / Getty Images

That's not the only thing Kendrick told Obama.

The Maine native teased Obama to be the first person to arrive at the event, to which he asked him: "Are the people of Maine really punctual?

"And I thought," You did not know? You are the president! Reminded Kendrick

For what it's worth, Obama seemed to take both comments in stride. Kendrick posted photos of their conversation a year later on Instagram, showing that the president of the day had doubled his laughter. She called their time "the coolest three seconds of my life".

"What can I say?" She wrote. "I'm hilarious."

As exciting as meeting Obama, Kendrick also spoke to Colbert about a "much bigger" encounter than she had with Beyoncé.

"It was magic," said Kendrick about their meeting. "I met her once at the Grammys and I had a fangirl moment. And then I had the chance to go to the Grammys a second time and I saw it in the hallway waiting for the elevator. And she said, "I just want to say Blue my daughter" – [who was] right there with her – "she loves you." And I thought, "That's good news because Blue is going to be our intergalactic overlord at some point."

"I guess Blue was a Poppy fan of The trolls But maybe she likes Accountant? I do not know. She could be very mature for her age. It was a great moment. But I am happy to know that my future is secure.

Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively

Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively

Mei Tao

ASSOCIATED VIDEO: See the A simple favor Posters in motion

Kendrick currently plays alongside Blake Lively in the twisty thriller A simple favor, out now.

Directed by Paul Feig (Bridesmaids, Spy) A simple favor follows Stephanie (Kendrick), a vlogger mom who tries to figure out why and how her best friend Emily (Lively) went missing. Along the way, she discovers that Emily is not exactly what she said she is.

To promote the photo, the film has released a series of cheeky posters – all of which give a nod to the classic Americana, but with a distinctly dark touch.

"Our Domestic Bliss Series is our way of having fun with the audience's expectations of what they think of this film," Feig told PEOPLE. "It's a slice of Saturday Evening Post, a spoonful of Bad housekeeping and a generous watering of the Haunted house up."

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