Anna Kendrick tells Stephen Colbert about calling Obama a "hole"


At least he laughed.

Anna Kendrick Stephen Colbert

Anna Kendrick is among the many fans of President Barack Obama, but that did not stop him from calling him an asshole the first time they met. The star of "Up in the Air" and "Pitch Perfect" recalled the incident during an appearance in "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert," explaining how she started innocently enough: "I received an email saying: meet the president? "said Kendrick." Naturally, I said "what?" and they were like, "The country, idiot."

In the group meeting, Obama used a discussion of the economy as a starting point for "Up in the Air." Later, when they met face-to-face, he told her, ". "His answer:" Yeah, you're an asshole. "Kendrick was clearly mortified, but seems to have been graciously handed over.

"Thinking about my conversation with the secret service agent, I said," Yes, and I was the first person here, "she continued, referring to a previous moment when she met a friend. "And I start talking about his secret service agent and he says," Are the Maine people really punctual? And I thought, "You did not know? You are the president. Look at the full exchange below, the relevant part starting at 2:48 pm:

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