Announcement supporting the Republican caricatures of Arkansas black women


A radio ad supporting an Arkansas congressman seeking re-election features racist caricatures of black women and claims that White Democrats will again "lynch the blacks".

Two women featured in the advertisement, paid by black Americans for the president's political agenda committee, discuss allegations of sexual assault against the US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and accuse Democrats of trying to change the presumption of innocence.

Women speak in racist tropes and familiar expressions attached to black women.

"Honey, I've always told my son not to mess with that," says a woman in the ad, referring to white women. "If you get caught, she will cry the rape."

At the end of the advertisement, the women say they vote for the US representative French Hill and the Republicans to protect "our men and our boys" white Democrats. The ad claims that white Democrats want to return to "race verdicts" and lynchings when a "white girl screams a rape".

Vernon Robinson, the black US treasurer for the president's program, told NBC News Thursday that he disagreed with the description that the advertisement included racist stereotypes.

Robinson stated that the PAC had paid advertising supporting GOP candidates and opposed the "ridiculous move of Me Too" in Little Rock, Arkansas, as well as in St. Louis and in Kansas City, Missouri. He said the Democrats "cried like stuffed pigs".

"Every time the left is unhappy with my ads, it means that they do not have time to attack Republican campaigners, get Republicans out of restaurants," Johnson said. .

Victims and sexual assault lawyers vehemently opposed Kavanaugh's confirmation in the Supreme Court after three women accused him of sexual assault during his teenage years. President Donald Trump, who has been accused of sexual assault by a number of women, has made fun of the Kavanaugh accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, to his supporters at the same time. a rally for the campaign and continued to support his attorney.

Hill issued a statement Thursday denouncing the announcement.

"I condemn this scandalous announcement with the utmost firmness," Hill said in a statement, "There is no place in Arkansas for this nonsense."

Clarke Tucker, Hill's Democratic Opposition, tweeted thursday that the outgoing president "will have to live with the kind of campaign" that he leads with his allies.

"This radio ad is shameful and has no place in our society," tweeted Tucker. "We will not let these shameful tactics distract us from our fight to defend # AR02's people on the critical issues of our lives."

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