Another accuser Kavanaugh admits to fabricating a rape story


One of Judge Brett Kavanaugh's accusers admitted this week that she had recounted her dismal history of rear seat rape, saying "it was a tactic" to try to derail the judge's confirmation to the court. Supreme Court.

Senator Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, revealed the fraud in a letter to the FBI and the Justice Department on Friday, asking them to sue Judy Munro-Leighton for lying and shackling Congress.

Mr. Grassley stated that Ms. Munro-Leighton was a leftist activist who had hijacked another anonymous report of "Jane Doe" about a rape at the back and claimed it as her own story, the 39, calling it "violent aggression".

"I am Jane Doe from Oceanside CA – Kavanaugh has raped me," Ms. Munro-Leighton wrote in an October 3 email claiming to have been a victim of the judge.

Mr. Grassley's investigators tried to reach her for a month, but without success until this week. They then phoned him. She confessed that she was not the first Jane Doe and "did it to get attention".

She admitted the false allegation and stated that she never met Judge Kavanaugh.

"I was angry and I sent her," she told investigators.

"In summary, during the committee's very sensitive investigation into the charges against Judge Kavanaugh, Ms. Munro-Leighton presented a fabricated allegation that was diverting resources from the committee," wrote Mr. Grassley. "When she was interviewed by the investigators of the Committee, she admitted that it was a false" ploy "and a" tactic. "She objected to Justice Kavanaugh's confirmation."

President Trump seized this report on Saturday, calling her a "vicious accuser".

"And the others? Where are the Dems on this? He asked via Twitter.

Mr. Grassley had previously asked the FBI to investigate Julie Swetnick and her lawyer, anti-Trump activist Michael Avenatti, for lying to Congress and obstructing it. Swetnick initially claimed to have been the victim of gang rapes involving Judge Kavanaugh at high school parties, claiming that she and her friend had been punched to leave girls unable to resist. . She then changed the story by saying that she had seen Judge Kavanaugh and her friend close to a punch bowl and that she could not identify them as having actually participated in a rape.

None of the witnesses she said to NBC could corroborate, could not do it.

In fact, NBC found a woman who, despite a sworn affidavit confirming Ms. Swetnick, had told the network that Mr. Avenatti was misrepresenting what he had said.

Justice Kavanaugh's confirmation procedure was delayed as the committee investigated a number of sexual assault and harassment complaints, none of which have been substantiated by public evidence to date.

He vehemently denied all the claims.

It has been confirmed, although only one Democrat rallied to all but one Republican to support him.

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