Another beloved Avengers character is confirmed to have survived the "War of Infinity" – BGR


Always worried about the destinies of your favorite The Avengers characters? Well, we have more good news for you. We have evidence that suggests that another character has survived War of infinity and will live to fight another day, and the news comes directly from the actor who plays it. Another possible explanation is that thanks to the trip back in time, we will see this character again in Avengers 4 scenes Anyway, this favorite character of the fans is not dead. But that would not be a good thing, according to a new fan theory based on this particular revelation.

Benedict Wong, who plays – wait – Wong in Dr. Strange and Avengers: Infinity War posted this picture on Instagram a few days ago:

The legend is hilarious because Wong suggests that they go deep into his brain to clear the spoilers.

Happy to film @avengers 4.But cleaning spoilers is a bit heavy! ? ???

Wong appeared at the beginning War of infinity and we never discovered whether or not he had survived Thanos' breakup. The fact that it is part of the questioning indicates that he has survived the cliché, or that he is present in these travel stories that we expect from Avengers 4. But the fact that he's wearing some sort of special prosthesis has pushed people on Reddit and Instagram to wonder if Wong was actually a disguised Skrull.

Who are the Skrulls? Well, they are this extraterrestrial race that changes shape and who will fight Captain Marvel Captain Marvel movie.

The Skrulls have infiltrated humanity in some Marvel scenarios, and some of the Avengers are Skrulls. With the introduction of the Skrulls, the MCU will fight against a new enemy who could have stayed asleep for years. But it is too early to say whether they will use the Secret invasion intrigue in the future The Avengers movies.

It seems unlikely that Marvel suddenly decides that some of our favorite superheroes were disguised villains. But support characters like Wong? Well, they could definitely end up being Skrulls. But the only way to discover that a person is a disguised Skrull is that this character is dying, how much it would return to the Skrull form. So, if Wong is a Skrull, he could die in Avengers 4 so we can all be witnesses of the invasion.

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