Another rally of the Trump campaign, another attack on Booker, potential rival for 2020


The attacks on US Senator Cory Booker have become a recurring element in President Donald Trump's campaign speeches.

In Southaven, Mississippi, on Tuesday, for the fourth time in four days, Trump attacked Booker, a potential opponent of the 2020 presidential campaign and a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who opposed the appearance of Judge Brett Kavanaugh in the United States Supreme Court.

Trump began by calling Booker and two other committee members, California senior member Dianne Feinstein and Connecticut's Richard Blumenthal, "really evil people" for opposing Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh's confirmation would consolidate a five-member Conservative majority in the Supreme Court that has already rejected precedents over voting rights and political spending, and could potentially overturn Roe v. Wade of 1973 legalizing abortion, as the president had promised his candidates to do.

The crowd booed when Trump spoke to Booker and repeated his charges against the senator in earlier speeches at West West on Saturday at a press conference at the White House and at a press conference. a demonstration in Tennessee the same evening.

"Here's a guy who virtually destroyed Newark, New Jersey," said Trump in Mississippi. "He was just a bad mayor."

Trump, who has been repeatedly accused of sexual harassment, again referred to Booker's article as a student in the Stanford University Journal.

"See what he himself wrote about women," Trump said. "Look at this, guys," he said, "How dare you treat a woman like that? "Look what this guy wrote."

Booker wrote that at the age of 15, he had tried groping a girl's breast after she gave him "an irresistible kiss" on December 31st.

He cited the incident while he was describing a campus culture of men trying to get women to sleep with them and said that he had been "woken up" as a peer counselor after hearing "men and women discuss rape".

Booker's critics equated Booker's account with Christine Blasey Ford's claim that Kavanaugh covered his mouth and played music in a room to choke him while he was trying to lick him out. sexually assault while she was both in high school.

After Ford's appearance before the Judiciary Committee last week, Republican senators bowed under pressure and postponed the final vote on Kavanaugh's appointment to give the FBI time to investigate his allegations.

During the presidential campaign, Trump had admitted that it was his voice in a video when he had made obscene comments about fumbling women and trying to seduce a married woman.

Trump followed his attacks on Booker by claiming to be innocent of sexual harassment.

"I've had a lot of false accusations," Trump said at the rally. "I've had so much and when I say it did not happen, nobody believes me."

Jonathan D. Salant can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @JDSalant or on Facebook. Find Politics on Facebook.

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