Another Yale classmate "Extremely disappointed" By Kavanaugh


Photo: Michael Reynolds / Getty Images

At Thursday's Senate hearing, where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh denied Christine Blasey Ford's allegations that he had sexually assaulted her in high school, he repeatedly argued that he never drank

After a second woman, Deborah Ramirez, accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault at Yale University, her first-time roommate released a statement in which he said he believed her, given her "heavy drinker" experience Aggressive when he was very drunk. After hearing Kavanaugh's testimony, Ramirez's roommate told CNN's Chris Cuomo on Thursday that she was "extremely disappointed" by the "blatant lie." :

"I watched the whole audience and many of my colleagues from Yale and I were extremely disappointed by the characterization of Brett Kavanaugh and by the way he escaped his excessive drinking issues." 39; alcohol. There is no doubt in my mind that at Yale he was a big gambler, often drunk, and there must have been a number of nights he could not remember. In fact, I witness the night he was caught in this fraternity, and he stumbled in a ridiculous costume saying some really stupid things. I can almost guarantee that he has no way of remembering that night … There were a lot of e-mails and a lot of texts circulating about how he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee. "

Brookes added that she and Liz Swisher, another classmate who claimed to have been shocked by Kavanaugh's denials during her interview with Fox, both played sports at the university and partied with Kavanaugh. Saturday evening. Brookes denounced Kavanaugh's tactics during the hearing of the questions that escaped and "trying to refer the question to:" But I studied very hard ". Well, you know what? I have also studied a lot. I went to Wharton Business School. I did very well at Yale. I've also been drinking a lot of nights with Brett Kavanaugh. The two things do not exclude each other.

Asked about Chris Dudley, the former NBA player and friend of Kavanaugh, who said, "He never even lost consciousness" in Brooklyn, Brookes described a holiday she recalls. "They thought it would be really funny to burst into a room where a guy and a girl had gone together and embarrass this woman … The girl was mortified and I was furious.

This is not a matter of drinking, but whether Kavanaugh has the character to sit on the Supreme Court, she noted. "It's about the truth," Brookes said. "I'll tell my boys … as a coach, that winning is not everything. It should be about how you play the game. "

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