Ant-Man & The Wasp showed almost the appropriate effect of the Thanos snap


Ant and the wasp was originally linking much more explicitly at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. In the theatrical section of Ant and the wasp the post-credit scene is set exactly at the same time as the final of the huge Avengers crossing. While Scott Lang, also known as Ant-Man, travels through the Quantum Kingdom, the entire Van Dyne family – Hope, Hank and Janet – is the victim of the famous Thanos shot. They are killed in the purification by Thanos of half of the population of the universe.

Yet for those who have not watched Avengers: Infinity War the post-credit scene of Ant and the wasp It does not make much sense. The deaths of Hope, Hank and Janet are not displayed on the screen. Instead, they suddenly disappear, leaving only clouds of dust in their wake. According to Evangeline Lilly, Wasp's actress, Van Dyne's dusting was filmed but was cut for creative reasons.

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In anticipation of Ant and the waspHome-based director Lilly spoke to Screen Rant about the movie's post-credit sequence. The actress who plays Hope Van Dyne explained that the scene was much more robust during filming. However, it was completed well before Avengers: Infinity WarThe Liberation. This lack of prior knowledge is the main reason why the sequence was cut off. Lilly elaborating by saying:

We shot the Snappening. We shot ourselves being dissolved. There was actually one– They just removed it in the end. It was more dramatic, I think. He just cut into floating ash and empty space. Then we are reduced to watching ourselves react in dust. And I must tell you that I am so grateful that they have eliminated that. Because at this point, I have not seen Avengers: Infinity War. So, I really had no idea what a dusting, or what I was supposed to be, was like, and I do not think Peyton [Reed] really did not either. … Once I watched Avengers: Infinity War, I realized that I was dusting it terribly. I did a very bad job of that. I had no idea what was really going on. And I'm so happy that they've eliminated everything because I do not think I would have been convincing at all. I think I made it look more like an ascent to heaven than a torturous ending.

Ant and the waspThe post-credit sequence may have baffled the fan of occasional MCUs, but if Lilly's memory is correct, it would seem that the film made the right decision by reducing dust. Any effort Ant and the wasp the attachment to the MCU would have been canceled if the extremities of the characters did not correspond to the rest of the victims of Thanos. There are a variety of death reactions in War of Infinity from the traumatic fear of Spider-Man to the exasperated anger of Nick Fury. In general, none of the victims of Thanos experienced the death of this person. Yet, according to Lilly, Hope Van Dyne not only accepted his dusting, but found it pleasant.

What may be more interesting in Lilly's explanation is not what was originally intended for the film. Rather, none of the Ant and the wasp the actors and the team knew the details of War of Infinityof ending during filming. Obviously, some people thought the Van Dynes would die because of Thanos' actions. It is strange that there was obviously no discussion between Ant and the wasp director Peyton Reed and Infinity War directs the Russo brothers on how the characters should react to dusting. The MCU is notoriously spoiler-phobic but it's overkill.

On the other hand, part of the call of Ant and the wasp (and the The ant man series so far) is that it feels radically different from the rest of the MCU. The ant man Always had the impression that it was happening in his own corner of the film world and Reed was left to his own devices. It may therefore not be surprising that there has not been much discussion about War of Infinity& # 39; send. However, with Paul Rudd and Lilly, both confirmed their presence in Avengers 4Cross-pollination between Ant-Man and the rest of the MCU could become much more obvious.

Plus: Everything in the MCU set after taking Thanos

Key release dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: March 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: Away from Home (2019) release date: Jul 05, 2019

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