Anthony Rizzo of Chicago Cubs wears the uniform during a night flight for a makeup game "joke" against the Washington Nationals


WASHINGTON – As part of a marathon, Anthony Rizzo has resorted to desperate measures.

After Wednesday's loss to the Milwaukee Brewers, the Cubs hitter was in uniform for the night flight to Washington, where Chicago plays a make-up game against the Nationals before returning to Windy City for a weekend against Reds of Cincinnati. .

On Thursday morning, shortly after 9 am, Rizzo posted photos of the flight on Twitter with the caption "Staying Ready".

Five hours later, he left the team bus and entered the National Park Visitor's Club, still wearing the same uniform: an alternate blue jersey, gray pants and crampons.

"I just had fun all season," said Rizzo, in front of his locker. "I mean, we are flying in a state of emergency with rain in the forecast – it's kind of a joke, so why not keep laughing about it and just have fun?"

Originally, Chicago was supposed to be gone Thursday, but after a weekend of rain that resulted in Sunday's game against the Nationals, plans have changed.

Rather than wait until the end of the season to catch up with the match, MLB chose to send the Cubs Thursday to DC, where the threat of bad weather persisted for several days due to the hurricane Florence.

"What can you do?" said Rizzo, who claims that he did not even bring any change of clothes during the trip and slept in his uniform, and who plans to return to Chicago on Thursday night in the same outfit as he did. he wore on the arrival flight.

"At the end of the day, our front office, our owner, they have our backs.We are in a long series of games.There are MLB players who played on the side of the players., And they seem not to worry about it at all, so that's it.We can sit here and complain about [it], or we can joke about [it]. I will take the joke around me – a lot more fun. "

Thursday marks the 24th day in a row as the Cubs have had a scheduled match. They will then host Cincinnati for three games, then travel to Arizona for another three games before taking a break next Thursday.

Over the past 23 days, the NL Central Division's Cubs have been 13-9 but only 6-8 in their last 14 games. Meanwhile, the second-place Brewers won 11 of 14 games, including two out of three against Chicago earlier this week.

After the 5-1 loss to Merwaukee on Wednesday, the Cubs skipped a flight to Washington and were only able to reach their hotel room at around 4am. Despite the tumultuous schedule, Rizzo's antics seemed to give his companions a boost.

"See him in the plane like this" teammate Kris Bryant said, "It allowed everyone to overcome the loss a little faster and a lot happier."

Manager Joe Maddon, whose team is known for his creative handling, was disappointed that Rizzo's riots were a surprise.

"I wish he had said something earlier because we could have done it all," Maddon said. "I would have done it without hesitation."

In his first clash against the national championships on Thursday, Rizzo scored a point wide in the center left, but was sent off trying to stretch it in doubles.

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