Anthony Scaramucci: President Trump 'is a liar'


Appearing on "New Day" to promote his new book, "Trump: The Blue-Collar President," Scaramucci was asked by CNN's John Berman about the President's pattern of spreading falsehoods and what he would call someone who spreads lies.

"I asked you what do you call someone who likes to lie?" You said to scoundrel, "Berman replied. "Another thing you could call someone who likes to liaise is a liar?"

"OK, well we both know that he's telling lies, so I'm happy to say he's a liar," Scaramucci said.

"Nobody should lie, I'm not a big believer in … But politicians happen to lie," he said.

"You want to say that to the camera? To the President?" Berman asks.

"Nobody should lie," Scaramucci said after turning to the look directly into a camera. "But, you know, you're a politician now, you're doing it, but you're doing it. great job for the country, so you'll be doing a lot better. "

The train White House official said that there is "an entertainment aspect" to the President's lying.

"When he goes to a rally like that, you know, there's a level of embellishment there because he's playing to the crowd," he said. "He's playing for the laughs, and you know, that's been his persona, that's been his style, and by the way, you can not really argue with the success of it."

Scaramucci left the White House in July 2017 after an interview with the White House in New York.
Since then, Scaramucci has remained a visible media figure, often defending
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