Anti-Defamation League director: Rise in anti-Semitism 'more than what one man does'


The chief executive and director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Jonathan Greenblatt, said Sunday that his organization will continue to call out rhetoric President TrumpDonald John TrumpJim Carrey lays into Trump at THE gala: Shamelessness is not a superpower Suspected Pittsburgh shooter with 29 counts Rand Paul blasts Saudi Arabia at rally with Trump Jr. MORE, but emphasized that the rise in anti-Semitism across the U.S. is the work of more than one man.

"Greenblatt told ABC's" This Week, "regarding Trump's statements after a shooting at a Pittsburgh Saturday morning synagogue that killed at least 11 people.

"But it's not only what you say after that that matters, it's the environment that you create with your rhetoric," he said. "Trump or President Trump has invoked anti-semitic memes or used the rhetoric favored by white supremacists."

"But it's more than what one man does," Greenblatt added.

"Whether you're an elected official meeting with Nazi sympathizers or bringing Holocaust deniers to the House of Representatives or if you're a candidate for office invoking wild anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jewish Financials like George Soros manipulating world events or if you ' "It is absolutely unacceptable."

Greenblatt added that the rise in anti-Semitism "needs to be interrupted and stopped."

In an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday, Greenblatt said that anti-Semitism is "almost becoming normalized."

He noted that the ADL saw a 57-percent increase in acts of harassment, vandalism and violence directed at the Jewish community in 2017, and has noticed an uptick in online harassment as well.

"We are seeing an environment in which anti-Semitism has moved from the margins to the mainstream of political candidates and people in public life," Greenblatt said.

"Not only is the political environment contributing to this," he added, "social media is accelerating and accelerating it in shocking ways.

The shooting Saturday was one of the deadliest anti-Semitic attacks in U.S. history, according to the ADL, and was widely condemned on both sides of the aisle.

"This evil anti-Semitic attack is an attack on all of us, it is an assault on humanity," Trump said Saturday after the massacre. "It is an anti-Semitic attack at its worst."

"The scourge of anti-Semitism can not be ignored, can not be tolerated, and it can not be allowed to continue … It must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head."

Jewish Community Centers around the country have been subjected to bomb threats throughout 2017.

Prominent politicians and media figures have spread conspiracy theories about Jewish figures, including billionaire philanthropist George Soros. Rep. Matt GaetzMatthew (Matt) GaetzGeorge Soros's sound: Bomb threats symptom of 'political demonization' in Trump era Explosive device found at George Soros' home FBI Forms lawyer with House lawmakers on Rosenstein, 2016 MORE (R-Fla.) Last week suggested without evidence on Twitter that a Central American migrant trekking towards the U.S. border.

Soros was one of several prominent Democrats targeted by a spate of explosive devices mailed last week.

–Brett Samuels contributed to this report, which was updated at 11:15 a.m.

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