Antioxidant Supplements Improve Sperm Quality? Find


New York: Scientists have found that consuming an antioxidant supplement every day for three months does not help improve sperm quality in infertile men as previously thought and therefore can not be considered a therapy.

spermatogenesis – production or development of mature spermatozoa – and transport together takes about 74 days, but that reactive oxygen species have a greater negative effect during the sperm transport phase shorter than during spermatogenesis, so the antioxidants "The results do not support the empirical use of antioxidant therapy for male infertility in couples who are trying to conceive naturally," said Anne Steiner, professor at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States.

For the study, presented at the 34th annual meeting of the ESHRE in Barcelona, ​​the team conducted a clinical survey of 174 couples male partners took a daily antioxidant supplement in form tablets containing vitamins C, D3 and E, folic acid, zinc, selenium and L-carnitine, while the control group received a placebo.

sperm concentration between the two groups, and no significant morphological differences – the shape and size of sperm – motility – the ability of sperm to swim or move – or the fragmentation measures of the spermatozoa. DNA – damage in the sperm DNA. 19659002] In addition, the natural conception rate in the first three months was 10.5 percent in the antioxidant group and just over nine percent in the placebo group, the researchers said. (IANS)

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