Apple again denies the story of a Chinese spy chip, this time in front of Congress


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Last week, a Bloomberg report had made extremely perverse allegations about Apple and Amazon claiming that they were part of a number of victims of a surveillance operation. Chinese. Both technology companies have quickly and fiercely refuted the report's claims. strongly formulated denial is available for a complete reading.

Apple wrote a letter of denial to members of Congress – which Reuters reported yesterday – and as of Monday, the full letter is now online. "Given your important leadership roles in Congress, we want to assure you that a recent report from Bloomberg Businessweek alleging the compromise of our servers is not true," said George Stathakopoulos, vice president of security for the United States. information from Apple. "You should know that Bloomberg has not provided us with any evidence to support their claims and our internal investigations have concluded that their claims were simply false."

Bloomberg's report said the Chinese People's Liberation Army had installed rice-grain chips on servers used by huge companies in the United States, including Apple and Amazon. These microchips allegedly provided the PLA with backdoor access to everything on those servers. Bloomberg said nearly 30 US companies had been victims of the spying act, which also included government companies. It seems to be a historically monumental attack on national security – an offense that Apple continues to boldly refute.

"If any of the details mentioned above were true, we would have every interest – economic, regulatory and ethical – in talking about it," wrote Stathakopoulos.

You can read Apple's letter to Congress in full here:

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