Apple CEO Tim Cook says hoarding data causes "significant harm"


Tim Cook
CEO of Tim Cook Apple.


Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, has renewed his barely disguised attack on Facebook, taking the opportunity to once again criticize companies that hold personal data.

Speaking Monday at Fortune CEO Initiative in San Francisco, Cook suggested that Apple was ahead of the rest of Silicon Valley in terms of protecting users' data.

"We were convinced of privacy when nobody cared," Cook told the audience. "We could not see the specific details, but we could see that building the detailed profile on people would likely result in significant harm over time."

He added, "People in today's environment do not have a complete vision of who has what, and how much of their life has been opened to business entities and entities. public. "


Cook said that privacy is one of the key issues he is willing to talk about publicly with immigration, education and the environment. "There is something we have where we can bring a point of view … and we think we have something to offer in these spaces," said Apple's CEO.

It's one of many aspects that Cook has leveled on Facebook. He told students at Duke University North Carolina last month that Apple rejects "the excuse that making the most of technology means spreading your right to privacy" .

A few weeks later, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg said that she "strongly disagreed" with Cook's beards.

"Mark [Zuckerberg] "I strongly disagree with their description of our product," Sandberg said. "We are proud of the business model we have built. We have an advertising funded company that allows people around the world to use a product for free. "

You can watch the full interview here:

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