Apple CEO Tim Cook will continue to speak on social issues


SAN FRANCISCO – Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, intends to continue to criticize US immigration policies and other issues that worry him to avoid to fall into a "dreadful silence".

Cook has exposed his views on the circumstances in which CEOs should protest the government's policies during a presentation Monday night at a business conference organized by Fortune magazine. His remarks came a week after he had condemned the practice of the Trump administration, since then, to separate children from parents accused of illegally crossing the US border in an interview with The Irish Times.

If he had ducked the politically charged topic, Cook said that he would have been thrown into the appalling silence of the category of good people and that's something I never want to be part of ".

Cooks have listed education, privacy rights, the environment and human rights as other key issues for him and Apple.

Immigration is a sensitive topic that can also affect Apple's business as it relies on a pipeline of employees from outside the United States to fill thousands of dollars. Jobs needed to design and program iPhones, Macs, iPads and other gadgets. in the most valuable society in the world.

Leaders of other major US technology companies that rely heavily on foreign-born programmers have also denounced President Donald Trump's crackdown on immigration since taking office year-round. latest.

Cook has publicly backed one of the biggest Trump administration initiatives – a radical overhaul of the US tax code that lowered the corporate rate from 35% to 21%.

The package also included a temporary break lowering the tax rate on profits brought from abroad to 15.5%. No business has benefited from this benefit more than Apple, which brings in about $ 250 billion in cash from overseas accounts and spends much of the money on higher dividends for shareholders and redemptions of own shares.

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