Apple faces Trump's anger after the company said its rates would be penalized


President Trump speaks at the White House in 2017 at a US Technology Council roundtable with, from left to right, Tim Cook, chief executive officer of Apple; Satya Nadella, General Manager of Microsoft; and Jeffrey P. Bezos, founder and CEO of, owner of the Washington Post. (Jabin Botsford / The Washington Post)

By Tony Romm | The Washington Post

President Donald Trump turned to Apple on Saturday after the tech giant said the White House's proposed tariffs on China could lead to price rises on popular consumer devices such as AirPods, headsets without company thread and Apple Watch.

In a tweet, Trump said there was an "easy solution" to Apple's potential problems, with a tax cut: "Make your products in the United States instead of China. Start building new plants now. Exciting!"

Apple declined to comment.

Earlier this week, Apple said in a regulatory document that the $ 200 billion costs proposed by the Chinese president would cover "a wide range of Apple products," from its Mac Mini computer to cables, chargers, and laptops. "Our concern about these tariffs is that the United States will be the hardest hit, which will result in lower US growth and competitiveness and higher prices for US consumers," the company said.

Since then, Trump has threatened $ 267 billion in additional tariffs on China, a move revealed on Friday that could cover virtually every product made in China entering the United States.

Rates are at the center of concerns of Apple's chief executive, Tim Cook, who has personally lobbied Trump for months on taxes and trade, and has even dined with President and First Lady Melania Trump in Bedminster , New Jersey, last month. . Cook's personal diplomacy stands in stark contrast to some of his tech peers, who have not hired Trump directly – and are often the target of much more aggressive tweets to attack their business practices.

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