Apple Watch, AirPods could be spared by Trump tariffs in China


As it prepares for a new series of tariffs on Chinese products, the Trump administration plans to exclude a category of products including portable devices such as fitness trackers and wireless headsets. Bloomberg reports, citing two anonymous sources.

The product code covering these devices appeared on a preliminary list of target product classes published by the Trump administration in July.

Apple has been a key player in the trade war with China. Millions of iDevices are exported each year by manufacturers in China, and Chinese government officials have explicitly suggested that these products could cause casualties in the trade war.

The US government could announce the new round of 10% tariffs on Chinese products as early as Monday, Bloomberg reports, again citing anonymous sources.

The main concern of the technology industry is perhaps how China would meet 10% tariffs, Chinese authorities using more and more difficult terms. The biggest fear for Apple is perhaps the possibility that China will interfere or impose taxes on the vast network of technology companies – many of them in China – that supply parts for the company's cash cow, the iPhone.

A the Wall Street newspaper The report said Sunday that China plans to restrict Chinese suppliers 'materials, equipment and parts sales to US manufacturers' supply chains. "Such restrictions could even apply to iPhones Apple Inc., assembled on the continent, said officials without giving more details," says the report.

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