Aquaman Fan-Edited Trailer blows out of the water


The first trailer of Aquaman was finally premiered at San Diego Comic-Con this weekend, and as usual with everything about the DC, the results are mixed . Some fans are just excited to finally see what James Wan has cooked in recent months, while others are a little more critical about Jason Momoa 's first pictures in the standalone movie. The trailers are supposed to sell the project and DC Films and Warner Bros. have done a good job, but a fan has taken the initiative to reissue the trailer of Aquaman in something that blows the air. 39; original

DC fan Patrick Willems decided that he could do a better job than mounting James Wan on the trailer Aquaman Comic-Con, so he took things in hand. The original trailer lasts more than 2 minutes, which may have been a little too much for some. The new fan edit is much shorter than the original and it goes straight to the point with an awesome theme that some fans will find very familiar for a few reasons.

The new theme of the music comes from the 2013 Aquaman [19659011]: The Teen Drama, which is a parody of the theme song of Phantom Planet, "California", of The OC . The song instantly gives the trailer of Aquaman a sensation of lightness that highlights some of the most awkward moments while leaving everyone on the film's story. While many fans complimented the Comic-Con trailer for not being the typical dark DC movie, there are still many more and more one-liners, which work much better with the new fan edit [19659006] disappointed by the first film of Aquaman to appear online, there was another prolonged trailer Aquaman which was shown to Comic-Con, which many view as the version definitive of the promo. Obviously, these images will not be visible online anytime soon, but the buzz that surrounds them states that they are far superior to what was shown to the masses after yesterday's Hall H panel. Let's hope that Comic-Con's exclusive images will soon find their way online.

Aquaman is released in theaters on December 21 of this year after being delayed several times. Although the new trailer does not really make the character "cool" for the first time, we are still watching only the first two minutes of the sequence. There is a whole movie to be hoped for and see if Jason Momoa and James Wan managed to make Arthur Curry for the first time on the big screen. One thing is certain, and it is the fact that fans will be doing all kinds of fan editions for the new trailer for the coming months. You can check out the new improved version of the trailer Aquaman below, thanks to the Twitter account of Patrick Willem

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