Are Indian babies born during the pollen season likely to develop asthma?


A new study conducted in Europe and Australia states that babies born during the grass pollen season are more likely to suffer from asthma in the future. In the UK, this season usually extends from mid-May to July. The researchers found that babies born during this season had high levels of antibodies in the blood, used as a marker to predict the development of infectious diseases. These antibodies are known as immunoglobulin E (IgE) and are produced by the immune system to protect us from bacteria, viruses, and allergens.

Associate Professor Bircan Erbas of the School of Psychology and Public Health at Melbourne's La Trobe University said the goal of this study was to determine the effect of grass pollen exposure during pregnancy and shortly after birth. She also stated that it is known that exposure to outdoor pollen during the first two months after birth can lead to allergic respiratory diseases. They suspected that exposure during the later stages of pregnancy could also have an effect in the baby.

She pointed out that many studies have shown that babies with high levels of IgE in the cord blood can develop allergies later in childhood, but little is known about how these pollen in utero. The study evaluated outdoor pollen levels of grasses during the intrauterine period and at birth during the peak pollen season on IgE cord blood in three cohorts of Australia. , from Germany and Denmark. The international team analyzed the cord blood collected from 2,597 babies in the three countries. It was further concluded that babies born during the grass pollen season were more likely to develop asthma or other respiratory illnesses in the future.

Will it also affect Indian babies?

Spring is the time of seasonal allergies in our country. The biggest triggers are the pollen released by trees, grasses and weeds when they send these tiny grains into the air to fertilize other plants. When they are inhaled, these pollens can cause allergic reactions. The immune system releases antibodies to fight these pollens that cause symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes, coughing and wheezing. So, if a pregnant woman is allergic to pollen, this can affect her baby in the womb. The spring season begins in March and continues until May in India. Thus, if a pregnant woman is exposed to pollen during this season, her baby is likely to be at high risk of developing asthma or other respiratory illnesses in later stages of pregnancy. life. It is necessary that the pregnant woman take the necessary precautions – stay indoors during the last months of pregnancy to avoid allergies, keep your nose and mouth on the outside, and so on. Remember that pollen can travel for miles. plants and herbs in your neighborhood. If you are allergic, take the proper precautions.

Posted on September 17, 2018 at 8:54 am

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