Are the Steelers trying to get Le'Veon Bell out? – ProFootballTalk


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Something strange seems to happen when it comes to the Steelers and the running back The Vein Bell, while the final deadline of his report for 2018 is approaching. And it might be that the Steelers are trying, not so subtly, to persuade Bell not to show up at all this year.

This is the only way to explain the sudden appearance of a report by NFL Network – directly owned by the league and partially by the Steelers – that Bell would be eligible to bid for the quarterback franchises in 2019 whether or not he signs his franchise offer. obtain a contractual credit for 2018.

First, the wording of the union agreement supports a plausible argument that, if Bell does not play in 2018, its status will be altered by one year. Second, the NFL and its teams are not accustomed to preemptively giving up plausible arguments that could be presented within the confines of a formal grievance. Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, Bell's camp was clearly impressed when its regular season plan started in September and it was due to arrive no later than Tuesday after week 10 in order to force the Steelers to use the quarterback franchise system, though it's been branded again in 2019.

So why would the Steelers and / or the league concede this important point now, a week before Bell's 2018 deadline? The logical explanation is that the Steelers simply do not want it to come up and that's their way of sending a clear message: if they do not show up, they will no longer apply the franchise label in 2019.

Of course, if it does not show up, the Steelers and the league would not have the impediment to claim that the 2018 tender will apply in 2019. For now, the goal could be to convince him not to show up, which would save the Steelers nearly $ 6 million, avoid the distractions of Bell's reinstatement and not allow him to be signed by a team like Ravens or the Patriots if the Steelers had to cancel the Bell Franchise Agreement a free agent.

There is no other reasonable explanation for the league's decision to use its media platform as a megaphone because the Steelers can no longer, in practice, use the franchise etiquette of Bell in 2019. The league is not in business. to submit potentially valid legal arguments in the context of the CBA, and the league has absolutely no right to allow its internal media conglomerate to give up its place in the league, which is one of the real benefits of the NFL and its proprietary media conglomerate teams that covers the NFL and its teams. It seems that the Steelers simply want Bell to choose not to run in 2018, and if he thinks he will play a forehand on the free market in March without the risk of injury this season, why would not he? he not?

Even if, in February, the Steelers tag it again and the NFL claims that the amount is $ 14.54 million, not the offer of the quarterback.

To learn more, check out the #PFTPM podcast on Wednesday.

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