Are voter ID photos discriminatory racially?


More than half of North Carolina executives who responded to a new survey said that asking for a photo ID to vote discriminated against minorities.

Voters across the state will see six constitutional amendments on the ballot for the November elections. An amendment would require voters to present a piece of photo ID in future elections.

Sixty North Carolina leaders in the fields of education, politics, business and advocacy posed open questions about race relations in the NC Influencers series for The Charlotte Observer, The News & Observe and The Herald-Sun.

They were asked if race relations had changed in North Carolina in the last 10 years and whether they had been discriminated against because of their race. They were also asked about showing a piece of identity at the polls.

Of the 49 leaders who responded, 29 said that asking for a photo ID to vote would be a threat of discrimination against minorities. Eleven said it would not pose a threat, while nine others did not say clearly one way or the other.

Their responses were based on racial, sexist and political criteria.

Of the African-American respondents, 85% said that the requirement for an identity photo would pose a threat of discrimination against minority voters, compared to 60% of Hispanic respondents and 48% of white respondents.

Sixty-eight percent of women and 50% of men said that this requirement could lead to racial discrimination.

At the same time, 80% of Democrats, 9% of Republicans and 50% of unaffiliated respondents said so.

Respondents who stated that a requirement for a photo ID would be discriminatory argue that this measure would deprive poor, minority and older voters of their right to vote, as this would create a barrier to polling stations. Most people of color and the poor are less likely to have a photo ID or are less likely to meet voter identification requirements.

Bree Newsome, an activist who removed the Confederate flag from the South Carolina courthouse in 2015, compared voters' identity criteria to the old measures used to prevent African Americans from voting.

"Voter identification laws are the modern equivalent of voting taxes, literacy tests, and other voter elimination methods that have been used in the past to deny black Americans the right to vote." Says Newsome in his response to the survey. "In-person fraud is so rare that it hardly exists, but the threat of cyberattacks against our electoral systems is an imminent danger. The history of the racist elimination of voters in the south, coupled with the fact that the GOP is more focused on the adoption of voter identity laws than on Russian interference, clearly shows the real motive.

Help people get credentials

Currently, North Carolina voters do not have to show ID when they register to vote or vote. The General Assembly passed a law in 2013 that limited voting options and required a photo ID, starting with the 2016 elections. But the federal appeals judges overturned the law saying that she was targeting African Americans with almost surgical precision.

If voters approve the November constitutional amendment, the Republican-led general assembly will likely draft a new election law before the new legislature takes office in January, reported The News & Observer . Legislators have not given any details on the type of identity document required, if the amendment is approved.

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Thirty-four states require some form of identity to vote.

The 11 survey respondents who said they were in favor of photo ID in North Carolina generally said the change would not be discriminatory, especially if the state is helping everyone get the proper identification.

"Voter identification laws also apply to all persons, regardless of race, and have been constitutionally confirmed by the US Supreme Court in other states," wrote Art Pope, Executive Director. Variety Wholesalers. "So, on his face, he is not discriminatory. Voter identification laws should not have a discriminatory impact when steps are taken to provide assistance to the state to obtain the required ID for non-drivers and indigent persons free of charge. The effect of identity laws on voter turnout has been minimal or non-existent. "

Thomas Stith, former chief of staff of former Republican governor Pat McCrory, said the measure would not affect voter turnout. Instead, it would protect the integrity of the electoral process, he said.

"America suffers from a much larger and more general problem: the apathy of voters caused by the lack of credible candidates representing the interests of the people," wrote Stith. "There is great despair that the vote will not solve our problems. It is there that we must focus our efforts. "

Electoral Fraud

An audit of the Northern Elections Council revealed that of the 4.8 million North Carolinians who voted in November 2016, 508 were ineligible. The agency pointed out that these cases were not necessarily considered electoral fraud because there was perhaps no evidence that these voters knew they were committing a crime, reported The News & Observer.

Patrick Woodie, President and CEO of the NC Rural Center, said that electoral fraud in the state is minimal.

"Instead of spending time and resources implementing laws that could deprive a large number of eligible voters for minimum protections, North Carolina should ensure that all voters in North Carolina are legally registered and better educated. local polling place or their rights as a voter, "wrote Woodie in his survey response.

Nancy Webb and Gavin Off contributed.

Camila Molina: 919-829-4538, @Cmolina__

About the series

This is the latest in a series of surveys that The News & Observer, The Charlotte Observer and The Herald-Sun will lead with Influencers during the November elections to help media and candidates discuss political issues. the most important for the North Carolinians. This report focused on the issue of identity photo voting as part of an investigation into open issues on race relations in North Carolina.

Next week, look for a report on immigration. We need your voice to guide our coverage and guide the future questions we ask our influencers, including our next topic, which will be about the power struggle of the state. Fill out the form below.

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