Are yogurts really good for you? Many contain sugar levels "far above the recommended level"


An overwhelming study reveals that almost all yogurts sold by supermarkets contain "well above" a healthy amount of sugar.

Nine out of ten people fail to qualify for a green nutrition label because they contain more than 5g of sugar per 100g.

    According to researchers, only two of the 101 fresh yogurts and cheeses sold in supermarkets in the UK are "low-sugar".

RF Moment – Getty

According to researchers, only two of the 101 fresh yogurts and cheeses sold in supermarkets in the UK are "low-sugar".

Researchers at the University of Leeds examined 921 of the most popular yogurts and warned that they are an "unrecognized source" of sugar.

They say they contribute to the country's obesity epidemic and urged consumers to study nutrition labels before buying them.

Those marketed as "deserts" are the worst offenders, averaging 16.4 grams of sugar per 100 grams, or more than four teaspoons.

Organic yogurts rank second with 13.1g of sugar per 100g and natural or Greek yogurts are preferable with 5g of sugar per 100g.

    Natural and Greek yogurts have the lowest sugar levels, those labeled "deserts" being the biggest delinquents.

SWNS: South West News Service

Natural and Greek yogurts have the lowest sugar levels, those labeled "deserts" being the biggest delinquents.

Greek and natural yogurts also contained higher levels of protein and sugar is more likely to be natural than added.

Health officials say children between the ages of four and six should not consume more than 19 grams of sugar a day, which means that only one can exceed them.

Only two of the 101 yogurts and fresh cheeses polled can be classified as low sugar, with most having 10.8 g per 100 g.

Sugar is often used as a sweetener to counteract the acidity of lactic acid, produced by live cultures in yogurt.

    There are four teaspoons of sugar per 100g of medium desert style yoghurt

Choice of Photographers – Getty

There are four teaspoons of sugar per 100g of medium desert style yoghurt

These live cultures are what makes a yogurt "good for the intestines" and is found in larger amounts in organic yogurts.

Study leader Dr. Bernadette Moore said, "While yoghurt can be proven to be beneficial to health, the nutrient content of products on the market is highly variable.

"Items labeled" organic "are often considered the" healthiest "option, but they can be an unrecognized source of added sugars in many people's diets."

Barbara Fielding, who worked on the study at the University of Surrey, said, "High-added-sugar diets are now clearly linked to obesity and dental problems.

    Dr. Bernadette Moore, researcher, said, "Products labeled" organic "are often considered the" healthiest "option, but they can be an unrecognized source of added sugars."

SWNS: South West News Service

Dr. Bernadette Moore, researcher, said, "Products labeled" organic "are often considered the" healthiest "option, but they can be an unrecognized source of added sugars."

"In the UK, kids eat more yogurt on average than adults, with kids under three eating the most."

Public Health England challenged food manufacturers to cut by one-fifth by 2020 the sugar content of many products, such as yogurts.

Alison Tedstone, head nutritionist at PHE, said, "The food industry has a key role to play in reducing the amount of sugar we buy and consume.

"We have seen positive steps. Yogurt and cottage cheese were the only category to exceed the 5% sugar reduction ambition in the first year.

"We hope to see further progress when we publish our next report in 2019."

The results are published in the journal BMJ Open.

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