Are you a democratic socialist?


The Socialist Democrats were one of the elite mid-term election groups of 2018, which drew national attention in June with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's disquiet of the outgoing Democratic caucus president.

But despite all their electoral triumphs, democratic socialism remains poorly understood and is often wrongly confused with communism – or with social democracy in the European Union. So we designed a quiz to help you understand what it is and how your own political views compare to these.

A word of warning before you start: Just like "liberal" or "conservative", the term "democratic socialist" can mean different things to different people. For the purpose of this questionnaire, we use the definition advocated by the Socialist Democrats of America, the largest socialist organization in the United States.

Forty candidates affiliated with D.S.A. have won the primaries this year, said the organization, and eight others were named after being unopposed. If you hear a 2018 candidate describe himself as a democratic socialist, it's a safe bet that it means that kind.

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