Are you painted in pink? | Georgian from the west


UWG Emerging Healthcare Leaders (EHL) hosted an inaugural breast cancer march at the university stage on October 13th. All profits were donated to a local non-profit organization called Painted Pink.

Painted Pink is an awareness organization for breast health, including cancer, the importance of taking preventative measures and raising funds for cancer patients in the region at the Emory Winship Institute of Canada. Cancer.

"We wanted to do the Painted Pink campaign because we found that every year on campus, every organization acts in its own way," said Joyce Onwuchekwa, co-chair of Emerging Healthcare Leaders. "Everyone is raising money for breast cancer individually and it's great, but I thought if we could all come together for this one organization, we could really raise a lot of money and make a difference." . "

Funds raised by Painted Pink are used in different ways: survivor kits for local cancer centers, financial assistance to breast cancer patients, showers for pregnant women under treatment, and reserves for future needs such as members of the family.

"What I liked in the Painted Pink campaign, is that their ultimate goal is to inform the millennia of breast health," said Onwuchekwa. "What the organization has discovered is that many young people are not informed about breast health. Many people think that breast cancer can only be reached at the age of 30 or 40, but in reality, it can be reached as early as the age of 15. "

In order to really make a difference, in October, EHL contacted many organizations and discussed the nature of the Painted Pink campaign and how it might help.

"We have contacted all the organizations on campus, especially large organizations such as the Student Activities Council," said Onwuchekwa. "I really wanted to educate as many people as possible, including staff and faculty members."

Almost every organization on campus is doing something for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but Onwuchekwa explained how good it can be to meet.

"Last year, EHL collected about $ 200 for breast cancer. This year, when all the organizations came together for this event, we raised more than $ 1,000, "said Onwuchekwa. "I find it amazing to raise so much money as a school."

As a millennium, it is important to know that the most important thing that students can do is to say informed and educate.

"My ultimate goal is to educate people and to ensure that they are aware that we can always raise funds to donate for research, but I think that one of the factors the most important is education, "said Onwuchekwa. "It's so important to educate yourself about breast cancer and know what can cause it and how to prevent it."

UWG Emerging Healthcare Leaders (EHL) hosted an inaugural breast cancer march at the university stage on October 13th. All profits were donated to a local non-profit organization called Painted Pink.

Painted Pink is an awareness organization for breast health, including cancer, the importance of taking preventative measures and raising funds for cancer patients in the region at the Emory Winship Institute of Canada. Cancer.

"We wanted to do the Painted Pink campaign because we found that every year on campus, every organization acts in its own way," said Joyce Onwuchekwa, co-chair of Emerging Healthcare Leaders. "Everyone is raising money for breast cancer individually and it's great, but I thought if we could all come together for this one organization, we could really raise a lot of money and make a difference." . "

Funds raised by Painted Pink are used in different ways: survivor kits for local cancer centers, financial assistance to breast cancer patients, showers for pregnant women under treatment, and reserves for future needs such as members of the family.

"What I liked in the Painted Pink campaign, is that their ultimate goal is to inform the millennia of breast health," said Onwuchekwa. "What the organization has discovered is that many young people are not informed about breast health. Many people think that breast cancer can only be reached at the age of 30 or 40, but in reality, it can be reached as early as the age of 15. "

In order to really make a difference, in October, EHL contacted many organizations and discussed the nature of the Painted Pink campaign and how it might help.

"We have contacted all the organizations on campus, especially large organizations such as the Student Activities Council," said Onwuchekwa. "I really wanted to educate as many people as possible, including staff and faculty members."

Almost every organization on campus is doing something for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but Onwuchekwa explained how good it can be to meet.

"Last year, EHL collected about $ 200 for breast cancer. This year, when all the organizations came together for this event, we raised more than $ 1,000, "said Onwuchekwa. "I find it amazing to raise so much money as a school."

As a millennium, it is important to know that the most important thing that students can do is to say informed and educate.

"My ultimate goal is to educate people and to ensure that they are aware that we can always raise funds to donate for research, but I think that one of the factors the most important is education, "said Onwuchekwa. "It's so important to educate yourself about breast cancer and know what can cause it and how to prevent it."



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