Ariana Grande has helped the sobriety of Mac Miller, according to a friend


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Actor Shane Powers, an intimate friend of Mac Miller, spoke about the relationship between the late rapper and Ariana Grande and his stabilizing influence on his life following fan criticism of the singer after Mac's death on Friday.

Overzealous fans have attacked the singer's social media, eager to find a place to blame their anguish at the loss of one of hip hop's greatest talents, pushing Ariana to close her comments on Instagram. Powers seems to want the fans to understand that Ariana is not to blame, but that she has been a positive factor in her previous sobriety, staying in touch with Powers regarding Mac's health after the departure of the pair at the beginning of the year.

"There was no one … more willing to go to the wall for him when he was sober, and she was an incredible stabilizing force in her life," said Powers during the episode of his podcast of Monday. Shane's show. "She was deeply helpful and effective at keeping Mac sober and helping her become sober and she was all about her health, the period, in this area of ​​this life."

The fans had already attacked Grande after Mac destroyed his drunk car in May, shortly after the breakup. She then defended herself by saying, "I am not a babysitter or a mother and no woman should feel that she has to be. I took care of him and tried to support his sobriety and prayed for his balance for years (and always of course), but shaming women for a man's inability to keep his shit is a major problem. Please, stop doing that.

She responded to his death by simply posting a black and white image without a caption.

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