Ariel Dumas, writer, said, "We are happy that we have ruined the life of Brett Kavanaugh"


In a tweet she then cleared and apologized for, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Writer Ariel Dumas welcomed the damage to Brett Kavanaugh's life during his confirmation to the Supreme Court.

"Whatever happens, I'm glad we messed up Brett Kavanaugh's life," his tweet reads. This followed a series of Dumas tweets in which she cited various media outlets that had attacked Kavanaugh for claiming that the sexual assault charges had "destroyed" him. One of the elements cited by her stated that "the bar for the ruin of a man is, apparently, quite low." tweeted On Saturday, things like "Brett Kavanaugh goes 100% to ask Judge Sotomayor to get him coffee."

Fox News reports that, following many responses attacking his comment, Dumas briefly made his account private, so that no one can read his messages without his permission. It was, however, too late, as many followers on Twitter had already taken a screenshot of the publication. Twitter's reactions continued on Saturday and Sunday.

In a follow-up tweet On Sunday, Dumas apologized for his comment, blaming him for what has been emotional weeks for many across the country.

"The last two weeks have been difficult for the country and for me personally. The complexity of frustration, anger and sadness can not be accurately communicated on Twitter, and I regret my deaf-mute sarcasm attempt as a result of this attempt.

The comments in response to his apology were mixed.

Brett Kavanaugh has been the target of many late-night talk shows in recent weeks, The end of the show with Stephen Colbert among them. Daily mail Colbert confided that his show had spent a lot of time on Kavanaugh, joking: "We are talking about Kavanaugh since 1954, I think." a parodic beer advertisement for "Kavanaugh beer". They describe her as having "an excellent aptitude for drinking and a supreme aptitude to judge". No calories, no answers. It's Kavanaugh.

In Bill Maher's Friday night show, Real timeMaher called Kavanaugh a liar and added that "he was very drunk". He joked, "They will do it, they will confirm the Red Solo Cup of Justice. And I will join the Ralph Club Beach Week. "

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