Arizona Green Party candidate abandons and backs Kyrsten Sinema in a close race in the Senate


Hanna Bogorowski | Journalist

Angela Green, a candidate for the Arizona Greens Party in the US Senate, announced Thursday that she was leaving the race and endorsed Democratic Republic of Yugoslavia representative Kyrsten Sinema.

The decision comes just five days before the mid-term elections on Tuesday and a day after potential Fox News voters revealed that Sinema was linked to Republican opposition leader Martha McSally.

Green had garnered around 6% of the votes before giving up, according to 12 News, which could thus tip its voters towards Sinema.

"I want them to vote for better Arizona, and that would be for Kyrsten Sinema," Green told 12 News News. (RELATED: Martha McSally asks Kyrsten Sinema to apologize to the veterans for telling them she did not care if the Americans wanted to join the Taliban)

"What I'm trying to do to help Arizona become greener again. After watching the debates and seeing everything, Sinema's position on many things is very close to mine. "

Green said his exclusion from the only Senate debate between the candidates on October 15 had taken away any hope of spreading his party's message.

"I was refused that at PBS [the debate] that day … and was escorted to the outside and could not do my free election, free campaign, nothing free, "said Green.

"It was really discouraging for me … I wanted to represent the voice of those who are fed up with nonsense," she added.

LOS ANGELES, CA - MARCH 10: MP Kyrsten Sinema speaks at the Gala Dinner hosted by The Human Rights Campaign 2018 at the JW Marriott Los Angeles Hotel on March 10, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo of Rich Fury / Getty Images Campaign for Human Rights)

LOS ANGELES, CA – MARCH 10: MP Kyrsten Sinema speaks at the Gala Dinner hosted by The Human Rights Campaign 2018 at the JW Marriott Los Angeles Hotel on March 10, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo of Rich Fury / Getty Images Campaign for Human Rights)

While the Fox News poll shows that candidates are tied, an ABC15 Arizona poll and OH Predictive Insights released the same day gave McSally a 7 percentage point lead.

According to a poll by RealClearPolitics, Sinema would be ahead of McSally by less than one percentage point, but Green's approval could tip the Democrats a few days before the elections.

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