Arizona Senate race: McSally supporters try capitalizing off Sinema's 'crazy' remark


Arizona Senate campaign Republican Rep. Martha McSally: signs that read "AZ is not crazy, voting Democrat is!"

Excitedly excited Friday by McSally and Vice President Pence. The signs referred to recently surfaced by Democratic candidate Rep. Kyrsten Sinema.

"People have watched what was happening in Arizona, and been like, 'Damn, those people are crazy,'" Sinema said in a video recorded in 2011 and posted this month by The Reagan Battalion, which is itself a source of conservative information.

Sinema also has been polled for expressing indifference in a 2003 clip, when a radio host asserts that joining the Taliban is a "personal decision."

"She has yet to apologize for saying it's OK to an American to join the Taliban," McSally told Fox News in an interview Friday in Yuma. "She has yet to explain why she's been out-of-state liberal groups she thought" It's so easy. " . "

Asked for a response to McSally 's charges, a spokesperson for the Sinema campaign. Fox News to tweets.

"We took votes on this. I voted to preserve protections for pre-existing conditions. Martha voted to weaken them and put Arizonans' health care at risk. Martha and her allies, but Arizonans will not be fooled. #AZSEN, "Sinema tweeted.

McSally told Fox News on Friday that Sinema consistently misrepresents its position on health care policy.

"The Democrats do not have anything to run on, so they're using typical fear tactics," McSally said. "I am passionate about protecting people with pre-existing conditions and making sure insurance companies can not deny them coverage. The intentions of ObamaCare were understandable, but their policies have failed. "


Arizona's Senate has also addressed an emerging theme among Republicans nationally: the caravan of Central American migrants making their way through Mexico toward the US.

"I represent a border district right now," McSally said.

Pence told Fox News in an interview that "leftist groups in Honduras," possibly bankrolled by Venezuela, are among the spurring people migrating to leave Central America.

But, he also blames Democrats in Congress.


"This caravan is a reminder of a crisis in illegal immigration," Pence said. "It is driven by laws that human traffickers actually use to entice people to make the long and dangerous journey north."

McSally seems to welcome the new talk about illegal immigration.

"The caravan has actually been re-focused for the country on what we deal with in Arizona every single day," she said.

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