Arkansas Radio Ads invite Lynchings to scare the Democratic candidate's black voters


A right-wing political action committee that supports a Republican MP in Arkansas has published so vile radio ads that the president himself has denounced them.

Advertisements are produced by a PAC called Black Americans for the President's Program and are intended to support Rep. French Hill (R-Ark.), Who stands as a candidate for re-election in the 2nd Congressional District of Arkansas.

In the ads, which aired in black-and-white areas of Arkansas, several people talked about abortions and sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, before concluding that the victory of Hill's Democratic rival would lead to "race verdicts, life sentences and lynchings." "

"Our Congressman, French Hill, and the Republicans know that it's dangerous to turn the presumption of innocence into a presumption of guilt, especially for black men," said a woman in the news. one of the ads.

"If the Democrats can do that to a white judge of the Supreme Court … what will happen to our husbands, fathers or sons when a white girl lies on it?", Asks t -she.

"Daughter, the white Democrats will lynch the black people again," another woman replies.

"We can not afford to let the white Democrats take us back to the old days of race verdicts, life sentences and lynchings when a white girl cries rape."

A second CAP advertisement features similar voices talking about abortion and Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.

"Democrats make fun of the fact that black babies are three times more likely to die of abortion than white babies," said one woman.

The woman adds that Hill's opponent and the Democrats "consider Margaret Sanger a heroine."

"Girl, do you like it? Sanger is not a hero. Hmmm. She created Planned Parenthood to exterminate blacks, "she concludes. (Sanger's legacy is complicated, but there is no evidence that this statement is true.)

Hill condemned the ads in a statement on Thursday and described them as "appalling" and "scandalous".

"I do not support this message, and there is no place in Arkansas for this nonsense," tweeted the congressman.

At the same time, his opponent, Democrat Clarke Tucker, accused Hill of having held this advertisement and said that he "will have to live with the kind of campaign he's leading".

According to the Arkansas Times, a North Carolina man, Vernon Robinson, is leading black Americans into the president's agenda. The PAC did not respond to HuffPost's request for comment.

In an interview with Alexandra Jaffe, News News vice president, Robinson stated that he did not intend to withdraw the advertisement and announced the publication of another.

Robinson paid just under $ 50,000 to broadcast the ad on radio stations in St. Louis, Kansas City and Little Rock, according to Vice.

"All that is hard-hitting. I think the #metoo movement deserves all of its impact, "Vernon told Vice. "Moving from the presumption of innocence to the presumption of guilt is very dangerous for black men."

The Democratic Party of Arkansas also denounced the ads and urged the Republicans of Hill and Arkansas to call for their removal.

"This lowers the pain and the experience of African Americans and the exploits for political ends provide centuries of segregation and racial violence, including lynching," the group said in a statement.

"Instead of calling publicity for what it's – openly racist, dangerous and immoral – French Hill Congressmen and Arkansas GOP President, Doyle Webb, have revealed their worrying lack of awareness and insensitivity. "

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