Arm teachers do not answer | Letters to the editor


Arming teachers is not the best way to protect students. In 1993, at Chelsea High School, a teacher took a weapon out of his collection, returned to school after hours and killed two people. That day makes me think of what could happen if teachers had guns in their schools. Betsy DeVos's plan will never work: there is no harm in killing – just a moment of anger. Any delay saves lives.

Five hundred people die each year and more than 17,000 are injured in firearms-related accidents. Armed violence is the second leading cause of death among children and adolescents. When you expose children to other guns, the speed at which they are shot, intentionally or not, will increase. Even if arming the teachers would help stop the school shooters, which I do not think it would do, this poses a whole new problem.

What is the best way to protect students? The answer is very simple: become a voter of meaning of firearms. Send the FUTURE text to 644-33 to register to vote and obtain election updates.

The writer is the co-director of student action at Jackson Creek Middle School

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